Buying advice Hoverboard – buy the coolest hoverboard


If you are thinking of buying a hoverboard, you must consider other purchase criteria in addition to the price. So that you can buy the best hoverboard cheaply, we have put together the most important points for you:

As for charging time, it can take two to five hours for the battery to fully charge. The charging time with a monowheel, on the other hand, is shorter. This is interesting if, for example, the board is to be charged in time for sports.

  • Most of the time, the charging time of the battery is longer than its operating time. Many hoverboards can only be used for two or one hours. Then you need to recharge the battery for several hours
  • Of course, the range also plays an important role. The range is strongly linked to battery life. There are riorand hoverboards that allow you to make 8 km, while with other devices you can get up to 25 km
  • If you want to buy a hoverboard for yourself and for your children, the speed should not be too high. Normally, 10 km/h is a good value. 20 km/h would already be too fast in this case. This should only be considered for an adult hoverboard.
  • In the scope of delivery of the hoverboard, you should at least have a user manual and a charger. Sometimes a bag or case for the hoverboard is also very practical
  • With the tire size, you have to be prepared for the fact that it is indicated in inches. A 6.5-inch hoverboard is suitable for smaller children. Tall people should buy a 10-inch hoverboard
  • In addition, a hoverboard may not be used by people who weigh more than 150 km. The ideal driving weight is between 100 and 150 kg. As a rule, manufacturers specify a maximum driving weight.

Finally, in some hoverboards including water protection, you will also find practical things such as a battery indicator, different gears, and an LED light strip for lighting. Ideally, a mobile hoverboard app and Bluetooth should also be available.

Tip: If the original price for a hoverboard is too high for you, you can also buy this device used. Good deals for hoverboards can be found on eBay and in classified markets. Used offers are also available from time to time on Amazon. These hoverboards should also have a charger.

What you should keep in mind when using a hoverboard?

With an 8-inch hoverboard, you’ll travel faster than six kilometers per hour. Thus, the device is considered a motor vehicle. Normally, you would have to have approval for the device. However, there is still no legal regulation for hoverboards.

Furthermore, drivers of a hoverboard should also have a driving license as with the Segway, as is the case with the moped. If this driving license is not available, the use of a hoverboard can be regarded as driving without a driving license. You would have to pay a fine in this case.

In addition, your liability insurance will not pay for damage caused by you with a hoverboard. It may also happen that the airline will not accept your hoverboard if you intend to go on holiday with the device.

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