Tips on Choosing the Right Tennis Coach to Improve Your Footwork Drills


It’s important to locate the perfect coach for your child straight away, even if they’re just starting. This is because the beginning stage is the foundation, and mistakes made there take a long time to undo. Check whether the tennis coaching checks the following boxes to make the best decision.

  1. It’s a Tough Process

Finding effective tennis coaches is difficult: many are former college or high school players who can strike the ball relatively well but have no expertise in instructing. Even at the novice level, hiring a qualified coach who can lay a solid basis for the learner is a smart idea. An excellent Tennis Coach is well worth the investment. A bad Tennis Coach is a complete waste of time and money.

  1. Courses And Qualifications

Always inquire about your possible Tennis Coach’s LTA qualifications and ensure that they are DBS (criminal background check) vetted and registered. They may have equivalent credentials from other organisations such as the RPT, USPTA, and so on. Inquire about how long they’ve been teaching, what ages they’ve worked with, and what kind of success they’ve had. They must be licenced or registered if they are educating youngsters unattended.

  1. Capacity to instruct

Also, attempt to get a sense of their level of professionalism, devotion, maturity, personality type (personable; gregarious), and ability to communicate clearly and effectively while speaking with your possible Tennis Coaching.

  1. Expect Rapid Results

You’ve paid a lot of money for tennis lessons, therefore you have every right to anticipate strong footwork drills fast. Stop crossing your fingers that you’ll have a miraculous revelation and quickly improve if you’re having trouble comprehending your Tennis Teachers throughout your tennis sessions and have been developing slowly.

  1. Make a list of the outcomes you desire.

If you are a senior player, you may not want to re-engineer your game; instead, you may be searching for quick wins and tactical ideas. Do you want to be able to play well at social tennis, defeat your friend, and win the league or club tournament? Tell your coach so that they can assist you in planning what you need to do on and off the court with them. It might be aggravating for a coach to be confronted with an adult who has no concept of why they are receiving coaching!

  1. Their Level Of Playing And Experience

Regardless of what a Tennis Teacher may believe or claim, teaching you to accomplish something he or she cannot do himself is extremely tough. It helps if your coach is also a competitor and has a good understanding of all you need to do to prepare for contests.

  1. Years And Kind Of Experience

Experience is the only thing that can replace it. Tennis coaching expertise, on the other hand, can be obtained in a variety of contexts. Year-round indoor and outdoor facilities, as well as outdoor summer-only institutions like an adult and junior camps, leisure department programmes, and country clubs, are all examples. Tennis Instructors receive far less tennis teaching experience in summer children’s camps than they do teaching year-round. This will have a direct impact on the quality of your tennis instruction. Have you ever had a coach who has produced Club Champions, County Players, or even National Players? Have their accomplishments been recognised?

  1. Communication Ability and Personality

Regardless of how in-depth your Tennis Coach’s knowledge of good footwork drills is, it’s meaningless if he or she can’t express it to you clearly and straightforwardly. Always pay attention to how your possible Tennis Instructor portrays himself or herself when you speak with him or her. You’ll be bewildered in court if you can’t understand him/her during the discovery process. Is he/she able to employ visualisation techniques and equipment such as video analysis to help you learn faster?
