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HomeTrending newsRole of Pathology Labs and it's Benefits in India

Role of Pathology Labs and it’s Benefits in India

People must appreciate the work of pathologists in the pathology lab. Pathology is a part of medical science that involves studying and examining cells, tissues, and organs of the body.

The study and test in pathology labs help the doctor diagnose a particular disease prevailing in the body. It is a pity to know that the diagnostic labs in India are not cherished as they should be.

This write-up enlightens the pathologist’s role and how massively they contribute to making a healthy India.

Areas in Pathology Lab

The area of pathology is dependent on the methods used to diagnose the types of disease.

  • General Pathology: It explains a broader and vast field involving the study of how the body cell and tissue respond to a particular injury. The general pathology shows clinical and anatomical pathology. A person trained in laboratory analysis is suited to be a part of general pathology, given that they must have detailed knowledge.
  • Anatomical Pathology: It deals with the study of illness through microscopic analysis of the blood sample collected. This is again subdivided into different disciplines:
  1. Histology: In this discipline, the tissue and cells are minutely examined to detect any diseases in the body.
  2. Cytology: The pathology studies how a cell looks and functions inside the body. This helps in detecting the disease and to suggest a suitable treatment.
  3. Forensic Pathology: It is done before proceeding with any surgical procedure. Forensic pathology checks the causes behind both external and internal wounds.
  • Clinical Pathology: It deals with analyzing urine, blood, and tissue samples to diagnose a disease in the body. A clinical pathologist is a person who is trained in hematology, microbiology, or blood banking.
  • Chemical Pathology / Biochemistry: The biochemist examines the various components of the blood to indicate the risk of a particular disease and its cause.
  • Genetics: The 3 significant branches of genetics are Cytogenetics, Biochemical genetics, and Molecular genetics. The test is performed on biochemical markers, chromosomes, and DNA to diagnose genetic disease in the body.
  • Hematology: This part of pathology deals mostly with blood diseases such as blood clotting, anemia, leukemia, and other blood cell disorders.
  • Immunology: Immunologists check whether a patient is dealing with any kind of allergy or not. It detects diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus in the body.
  • Microbiology: The main concern of Microbiology in the Pathology lab is to find out bacteria, viral or fungal infections, or diseases in the body.


A pathology lab has advanced medical equipment to offer excellent health treatment. The pathologists are in charge of analyzing the blood and urine samples of the patient to diagnose a health condition in the body.

The role and responsibilities of a pathologist depend upon the areas they are specialized in. There are 8 main areas in pathology.

Are you experiencing a sudden change in your current health condition? If you have been facing any signs that deteriorate your health, you must reach a trusted diagnostic centre.

Role & Responsibility of a Pathologist

The primary role of a pathologist is to focus on human disease and find out the reason behind it.

  • The pathologist provides the reason behind a disease by deeply analyzing the particular disorder. The group of pathologists ensures that a patient receives the best health service to improve their health condition.
  • Based on pathologists’ knowledge and understanding, they offer their perspective to the doctor while examining the patient.
  • With the change in medical technology, pathologists must keep themselves updated with the change. They must engage themselves in the new development activity.
  • The team of pathologists plays a vital role in explaining the result behind a particular infection. They perform the test using blood and urine samples to determine the cause behind a condition to deliver an accurate report. Moreover, they detect certain diseases’ early stages and suggest new treatments to fight against various viral or bacterial infections.

Importance of Full-Body Check up

When a person suffers from a chronic health condition, they must visit the nearest diagnostic center. The doctor suggests a full body check up for those who constantly fall ill. For them, a complete body check-up is an ultimate solution as it consists of some of the major tests like

  • KFT or Kidney Function Test to check the functioning of the kidneys.
  • LFT or Liver Function Test to check how the liver is functioning.
  • Urine Test
  • Blood Test
  • Blood Sugar Test to check the level of sugar in the blood
  • Lipid Profile Test to check cholesterol levels and triglycerides in the blood.
  • Complete Hemogram or Complete Blood Count Test to detect any abnormality in the blood cells or blood cell disorder.
  • Thyroid Profile Test to check the function of the thyroid gland.

The full-body check up has the following benefits:

  • It saves you from extreme health conditions as it helps detect the early signs of disease. The early signs of any disease make a person aware and allow them to take preventive measures to control its negative impact on the body.
  • A complete body check up manages genetic disease and detects any infection in the body.
  • Fever is the first symptom of a disease or infection. With the help of a whole-body checkup, you get full track of your overall health conditions.
  • The check-up helps treat environmental diseases such as asthma, allergies, lung problems, and so on.
  • Weight loss, frequent urination, increase in hunger or thirst are some of the symptoms of diabetes. A blood sugar test is a part of the full-body check up, which helps to indicate the early stage of diabetes.


Pathology lab plays a significant role in our society in making a healthy. They have a great responsibility to fulfill and offer the best health service. If you are down with a chronic infection, you must reach out to a well-known diagnostic center like Redcliffe Labs. Contact the team today to get more information on the tests and treatment.


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