How to learn technical analysis by yourself in 5 simple ways?

learn technical analysis
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Thanks to the technical analysis course, it is now easy for traders and brokers to predict, analyze and forecast the performance of the market. They study using key components like past market performance data, primary price, and volume.

It is done under the assumption that price changes of a financial asset can help experts predict future performance when paired with trading rules and techniques. 

There was a time when this type of analysis was to be done only by professional experts. But every expert was once a beginner who learned the techniques. 

Today, it is possible for brokers and budding investors to learn technical analysis and apply their learnings and make appropriate investment decisions accordingly using the best online course platform.

How To Learn Technical Analysis

Technical analysis relies on chart patterns and indicators. It involves complex concepts from economics and risk management. If you are a trader and are looking for ways to learn, then read on to know more.

  1. Find the Right Brokerage: Trading requires a trading account, and it is important to check if that account has the required functionality for keeping track of the selected indicators. This will come in handy in case traders want to keep their costs low and make sure that they don’t end up losing a lot of profits. 
  1. Identify The Trend: Trends are of three types- upward, downward, and sideways. Each of these trends requires a unique trading approach and that depends upon the trading strategy from trader to trader. For example, assets that are facing an upward trend are usually bought and the ones facing a downward trend are sold. Meanwhile, assets that are within the trading levels of the trader are left as it is assuming there is a hope for a trend reversal. 
  1. Draw Resistance Level: Support and resistance are those limits within which the price of an asset is likely to stay within. Support level means an asset experiencing an upward trend faces a downward trend. Meanwhile, resistance refers to an asset facing a downward trend after it undergoes an upward trend. Setting the limits for both support and resistance can help traders make important decisions like when to buy, retain, or sell the assets.
  1. Establish Entry/Exit Points: In technical analysis, entry and exit points refer to the prices at which assets are bought or sold. Investors choose the entry and exit points to help reduce risk and the chances of facing losses. These points are determined and backed by research and analysis. Typically, an investor closes their position at the exit point by selling the asset.
  1. Risk Management: Risk management techniques come in handy in reducing the chances of losses and protecting the money. Such techniques include the one percent rule, calculating the expected returns, and even diversifying their investments. Through these risk management techniques, a trader can also reduce the number of times at which a trade has to be exited numerous times. 


Learning through a technical analysis course is the need of the hour for traders to make important decisions involving buying, retaining and selling assets. This comes in handy for both beginners and experienced traders to make the best use of the potential of the financial assets market. To learn a technical analysis course easily and make the best use in trading, budding traders can make the best use of the best online course platforms like Upsurge.