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Fastest Khula Procedure By top Lawyers

Khula Procedure by Top Divorce Lawyers:

If you want to conduct the khula procedure by top divorce lawyers, you may contact us. The Khula Pakistan Family law & Khula Pakistani Law is the Law to Solve the Overseas Khula Case in Pakistan. Now Prepare the Khula Papers in Pakistan Online And File the Application in Court.  The age of a minor in the past was seven years for boys and ten for girls. This law was changed in 1979 to make it ten years for boys and twelve for girls. The law on khula procedure by top divorce lawyers was amended once more, and the age for both boys and girls has been raised to fifteen years. It was also added that the minor could choose with whom he/she wishes to live after fifteen years of age. This amendment was criticized by many.

If the Mother is Not Divorcing?

As long as the Mother is not divorcing, she can claim the guardianship fee she gave to the child in court. Although it cannot be considered a wage or salary, it can be claimed by a mother to pay a monthly fee for her child. It is against the Penal Code to remove a child from the guardian. Articles 284 and 292 are mentioned for khula procedure by top divorce lawyers. These violations can lead to imprisonment or punishment.

Conditions For female guardianship::

These are the conditions for female guardianship: A woman must be mature. A Muslim woman should be a mother. A child can be given to either a Jew, Christian, or Muslim Mother up to the point that the child is able to comprehend the religion. He/she should reach that age and be given to a Muslim mother as guardianship. A mother’s religious beliefs can also affect the child. * A woman must have the ability to care for the minor and be in good health. * A woman should be honest and have a good reputation in society.

Top Divorce Lawyers:

After the khula procedure by top divorce lawyers a woman can marry a stranger if she is not married to the child’s uncle, brother, or sister. She is only a good guardian if the child doesn’t have a stepmother. It is generally not a good idea for a child to stay with a stepfather. The judge may decide whether the child should live with both a mother and stepfather. * Mother or father who attempts to kidnap a minor against their will or the guardian’s will be imprisoned, fined, or both. The guardianships home as an issue: There was no guardianship before 1979.

Female Guardian:

The female guardian will keep the children in her home and her family’s house. This was not the father’s responsibility or obligation. Article 100, which was amended in 1985 and added in 1979, requires that a divorced father prepare a separate home for his children and guardian. This house must be suitable and fit their needs.

Parliament on Khula Procedure:

The parliament on khula procedure by top divorce lawyers has had to have a difficult discussion about the issue of a suitable house. If the father fails to prepare a suitable home, the guardian can choose the house or rent the money. Child Custody within the Malaysia context Similar to Bangladesh and Pakistan, Malaysia gives priority to the interests of the child in child custody cases. The court will suggest mediation between the parents after the divorce proceedings are completed.