Are You Aware Of The Signs Of Elder Abuse?

    Signs Of Elder Abuse
    Image Source: Law Offices of Beninato & Matrafajlo

    Elder abuse can take a number of forms. And often, they make it hard to spot. In most cases, the common signs of elder abuse involve negative behavioral changes, physical injuries, or any type of unexplained transactions.

    In order to keep their loved ones safe, families must know about all the warning signs of elder abuse.

    In this article, we will talk about that only.

    Warning Signs Of Elder Abuse

    Do you know what the most common warning signs of elder abuse are?

    They are sudden and strange changes to an elderly loved one’s physical, mental, and financial well-being. On the basis of exactly what types of elder abuse are actually affecting the victim, the particular signs of elder abuse vary.

    Here are the most common signs and symptoms of elder abuse.

    • Poor hygiene.
    • Weight loss or malnourishment.
    • Injuries, like cutes, broken bones, or bruises.
    • Symptoms of confusion, depression, or anxiety.
    • Withdrawal from friends or family members.
    • Loss of money or unexplained transactions.

    To prevent elder abuse, family members must keep a close look at elder loved ones who are under the care of someone else. If spotted, relatives should always report any signs of elder abuse to the local authorities as soon as possible.

    Signs Of Elder Abuse By Type

    With every case, the signs of elder abuse can vary, and there are also some seniors who might fall victim to more than a single type of abuse.

    You always need to keep in mind that any form of elder abuse can affect your grandparent, parent, or other relatives. That is why you should know the warning signs of every type of elder abuse. Here are the different types of elder abuse you should know about.

    Type 1: Physical Sign Of Elder Abuse

    You should regularly check up on their older family members. You also need to use your best judgment for any type of physical signs of elder abuse. Here are some common physical signs of elder abuse.

    • Burns.
    • Bruises or welts.
    • Broken bones.
    • Pressure marks or sores.
    • Head injuries and concussions.
    • Scrapes and cuts.

    Often the nursing home staff members or caregivers might claim that something else had happened with your loved one in order to cover up their negative behavior. Here an elder abuse attorney can help you to know what exactly had happened and prove it in front of the court.

    Type 2: Signs Of Emotional Abuse

    Although it might not result in any physical scars, emotional abuse also can be really damaging to the health of an older relative. Emotional abuse can include threatening, screaming, and instilling fear in an elderly loved one.

    Here are some signs of emotional elder abuse.

    • Withdrawing or isolating from others.
    • Being hesitant to talk freely.
    • Suffering from fear, depression, anger, or anxiety.
    • Come up with implausible stories regarding how an injury occurred.

    Type 3: Signs Of Financial Abuse

    Unlike the other usual types of abuse, financial abuse often can go unnoticed as the mental and physical health of the elder will not be directly affected here.

    You need to look for the following signs.

    • Seniors can not assess their financial records.
    • Huge sums of money are missing from bank statements.
    • Unexplained or strange transactions.
    • The elders offer monetary reimbursement or gifts in exchange for companionship.

    Here a trusted family member or financial expert should monitor the accounts of the elderly person and ask about any concerning transactions.

    Type 4: Signs Of Sexual Abuse

    Some seniors with particular conditions will not be able to consent to sexual relationships, such as any type of physical or mental handicap. In case an elder is sexually abused, their emotional and physical health can suffer significantly.

    Sexual abuse also can devastate loved ones and also family members. So, consider the following warning signs.

    • Inappropriate relationship between elder and a caregiver.
    • Irritation, pain, or bleeding of the genitals.
    • Bruises on the genitals or thighs.
    • An unexpected STD or sexually transmitted disease.

    Get Legal Help

    In case you find out that your elderly loved one is having any of the above-mentioned signs of emotional, physical, sexual, or financial abuse, you should immediately contact an experienced legal professional.

    Only a professional will be able to handle the case properly and will also advise you on how to find out the truth if you are only suspecting.

    Always remember that in case you are fighting against the nursing homes, they already have a legal practitioner to handle their case and cover up their misdoing. So, you also need to be legally prepared.