Role of Pathology Labs and it’s Benefits in India

Pathology Lab

People must appreciate the work of pathologists in the pathology lab. Pathology is a part of medical science that involves studying and examining cells, tissues, and organs of the body.

The study and test in pathology labs help the doctor diagnose a particular disease prevailing in the body. It is a pity to know that the diagnostic labs in India are not cherished as they should be.

This write-up enlightens the pathologist’s role and how massively they contribute to making a healthy India.

Areas in Pathology Lab

The area of pathology is dependent on the methods used to diagnose the types of disease.

  • General Pathology: It explains a broader and vast field involving the study of how the body cell and tissue respond to a particular injury. The general pathology shows clinical and anatomical pathology. A person trained in laboratory analysis is suited to be a part of general pathology, given that they must have detailed knowledge.
  • Anatomical Pathology: It deals with the study of illness through microscopic analysis of the blood sample collected. This is again subdivided into different disciplines:
  1. Histology: In this discipline, the tissue and cells are minutely examined to detect any diseases in the body.
  2. Cytology: The pathology studies how a cell looks and functions inside the body. This helps in detecting the disease and to suggest a suitable treatment.
  3. Forensic Pathology: It is done before proceeding with any surgical procedure. Forensic pathology checks the causes behind both external and internal wounds.
  • Clinical Pathology: It deals with analyzing urine, blood, and tissue samples to diagnose a disease in the body. A clinical pathologist is a person who is trained in hematology, microbiology, or blood banking.
  • Chemical Pathology / Biochemistry: The biochemist examines the various components of the blood to indicate the risk of a particular disease and its cause.
  • Genetics: The 3 significant branches of genetics are Cytogenetics, Biochemical genetics, and Molecular genetics. The test is performed on biochemical markers, chromosomes, and DNA to diagnose genetic disease in the body.
  • Hematology: This part of pathology deals mostly with blood diseases such as blood clotting, anemia, leukemia, and other blood cell disorders.
  • Immunology: Immunologists check whether a patient is dealing with any kind of allergy or not. It detects diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus in the body.
  • Microbiology: The main concern of Microbiology in the Pathology lab is to find out bacteria, viral or fungal infections, or diseases in the body.


A pathology lab has advanced medical equipment to offer excellent health treatment. The pathologists are in charge of analyzing the blood and urine samples of the patient to diagnose a health condition in the body.

The role and responsibilities of a pathologist depend upon the areas they are specialized in. There are 8 main areas in pathology.

Are you experiencing a sudden change in your current health condition? If you have been facing any signs that deteriorate your health, you must reach a trusted diagnostic centre.

Role & Responsibility of a Pathologist

The primary role of a pathologist is to focus on human disease and find out the reason behind it.

  • The pathologist provides the reason behind a disease by deeply analyzing the particular disorder. The group of pathologists ensures that a patient receives the best health service to improve their health condition.
  • Based on pathologists’ knowledge and understanding, they offer their perspective to the doctor while examining the patient.
  • With the change in medical technology, pathologists must keep themselves updated with the change. They must engage themselves in the new development activity.
  • The team of pathologists plays a vital role in explaining the result behind a particular infection. They perform the test using blood and urine samples to determine the cause behind a condition to deliver an accurate report. Moreover, they detect certain diseases’ early stages and suggest new treatments to fight against various viral or bacterial infections.

Importance of Full-Body Check up

When a person suffers from a chronic health condition, they must visit the nearest diagnostic center. The doctor suggests a full body check up for those who constantly fall ill. For them, a complete body check-up is an ultimate solution as it consists of some of the major tests like

  • KFT or Kidney Function Test to check the functioning of the kidneys.
  • LFT or Liver Function Test to check how the liver is functioning.
  • Urine Test
  • Blood Test
  • Blood Sugar Test to check the level of sugar in the blood
  • Lipid Profile Test to check cholesterol levels and triglycerides in the blood.
  • Complete Hemogram or Complete Blood Count Test to detect any abnormality in the blood cells or blood cell disorder.
  • Thyroid Profile Test to check the function of the thyroid gland.

The full-body check up has the following benefits:

  • It saves you from extreme health conditions as it helps detect the early signs of disease. The early signs of any disease make a person aware and allow them to take preventive measures to control its negative impact on the body.
  • A complete body check up manages genetic disease and detects any infection in the body.
  • Fever is the first symptom of a disease or infection. With the help of a whole-body checkup, you get full track of your overall health conditions.
  • The check-up helps treat environmental diseases such as asthma, allergies, lung problems, and so on.
  • Weight loss, frequent urination, increase in hunger or thirst are some of the symptoms of diabetes. A blood sugar test is a part of the full-body check up, which helps to indicate the early stage of diabetes.


Pathology lab plays a significant role in our society in making a healthy. They have a great responsibility to fulfill and offer the best health service. If you are down with a chronic infection, you must reach out to a well-known diagnostic center like Redcliffe Labs. Contact the team today to get more information on the tests and treatment.