7 Amazing Books Every High Schooler Should Read

bools for high schooler

sometimes we are confused that which books should every high schooler read. And it is quite hard to find the best books for high Schoolers. Books fill our lives with light. We know that reading is so important to get ahead in life. And It is important to have the right books in our life. . SO in this blog journey, we will provide you 7 such books that you can give a good direction to your life by reading 

We always see that people are always confused and Searching For the best book to read in high school.

So without any further delay, let us see the list of 7 books every high schooler should read.

  • Death of a Salesman.
  • Lord of the Files.
  • Brave New World.
  • Hiroshima.
  • Animal Farm.
  • The Diary of a Young Girl.
  • Black Rain.

Death of a salesman:- The  Death of a salesman was a stageplay of 1949. The author of this book Miller. The story is all about disappointed salesman willy Loman.  willy Loman was a traveling salesman, unhappy with his life, and appears. The subject of this story is The waning days of a failing salesman. Every high schooler must read this book.

Lord of the files:-  Lord of the files is a 1954 NovelThe author of this is a novel prize-winning Britisher name, William Golding. The cover artist of this book is Anthony Gross. The story of this book is all about a group of British boys. the story about tension between their group think and individuality. rational and emotional, and mortality and immortality.

Brave new world:- This is a dystopian social science fiction novel. The name of the author of this book is Aldus Huxley. Aldus Huxley writes this book in 1931 and publishes this book in 1932. This story novel is about an individual who changed a dystopian society. The cover artist of this book is Leslie Holland. The pages in this book are 311 with 63766 words.

Hiroshima:- The author of Hiroshima is john Hersey(Pulitzerprize winner). This is a 1946 book with a story of six survivors of an atomic bomb drop in Hiroshima. The book is in the English language with 160 pages. The Hiroshima book published in The New Yorker with a single article on 31-8-1946 by Alfred A, Knopf. The book is amazing.

This is another best book for those who read in high school or who are high school freshmen.

Animal farm:-  This is also a novel by George Orwell. This is an allegorical novella published in England on 17-08-1945. The story in this book is all about a group of farm animals. who take up arms against framers. in the hope of creating an environment where animals can treat like humans. This book is in the English language with 112 pages.

The diary of a young girl:- The diary of a young girl written by Anne Frank in the Dutch language. The diary of a young girl is also known as the diary of Anne Frank. This is a story of a girl who is hiding for two years with her family throughout the nazi occupation. The later family apprehended in 1944. After one year Anne Frank dies due to typhus in a concentration camp in Belsen. The publication date of this book is 25-06-1947in dutch and in English 1952. The subject of this story is world war 2 nazi occupation of the Netherland


  • The Joy Luck Club (Amy Tan)
  • The Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath)
  • Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Dee Brown)
  • 1984 (George Orwell)
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)
  • The Awakening (Kate Chopin)
  • Oedipus Rex (Sophocles)
  • The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  • The Catcher in the Rye (J. D. Salinger)
  • The Crucible (Arthur Miller)
  • Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
  • Ultima (Rudolfo Anaya)
  • Flowers for Algernon (Daniel Keyes)

What books should every high school student read?

You should read all the books that create value in your life and lead you to progress. Because reading books and gaining academic knowledge is not our motive. We must get our bookish knowledge in our life and make our life better with that.

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