Why Are Some Dogs So Hyperactive?


Becoming a pet owner can be a great experience. However, it is also a big responsibility. Before getting a dog, it is essential to consider aspects like choosing a suitable dog breed for your lifestyle. Some dog breeds are prone to specific health issues such as hyperactivity. Purchasing reliable pet insurance can help you mitigate routine vet-related expenses and protect your pet in case of illness. Bivvy offers coverage options despite hereditary or congenital conditions and it includes prescription medication, blood tests, and diagnostic treatment. While some dog breeds are generally hyperactive, it is a common canine disorder that can be frustrating for dogs and owners alike.

Some dogs may be simply high-energy by nature and require a significant amount of exercise and obedience training to keep them calm. In other cases, it may not be possible to determine the root cause of the hyperactivity. In these cases, they will need to remain constantly active and exercised.


However, the factor most likely to influence a dog’s energy levels is its breed and genetics. Some breeds are simply more predisposed to hyperactivity than others. 


Some dogs are simply more active by nature, and this may be due to their genetics. 

Certain breeds like the Siberian Husky were bred to run many miles in rough terrain and cold weather hauling heavy loads, while others like the Belgian Malinois were meant to work all day in military and law enforcement. 

Herding dogs like the Australian Shepherd and Border Collie have some of the highest energy levels. In addition, they are breeds that need loads of mental stimulation. It isn’t easy to tire out a herding dog! 

Small dogs can be hyperactive too! Jack Russell Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers were originally bred as ratters to hunt vermin. These little guys can be FAST, and a good, vigorous game of fetch can slow them down. 

Lack Of Exercise 

Dogs that do not get enough exercise can become hyperactive and destructive. Dogs need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day on average, and some breeds certainly need way more.

Playing fetch or taking a walk are great ways to get your dog moving. Dog owners should take their dogs to the vet every six months for a check-up and shots. The dog’s age, size, and health are factors used to determine whether or not the dog needs a yearly check-up.



Dogs that are fed a diet high in carbohydrates or sugar are more likely to be hyperactive.

Many people believe that a diet high in carbohydrates or sugar is the cause of hyperactivity in dogs. 

Dogs who are fed a diet high in carbohydrates or sugar were more likely to be hyperactive. 


Dogs that are constantly stimulated, such as those who live in a home with children, may be less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. 

A recent study found that dogs who lived in homes with children had significantly lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, than dogs who lived in homes without children. The study also found that the dogs who lived in homes with children were more active and playful than the dogs who did not. These results suggest that constant stimulation may be beneficial for dogs’ mental health.


Dogs that are hyperactive may be more prone to developing anxiety due to the extra energy they have and the lack of an outlet for it. 

If a dog is hyperactive, it is important to work with a veterinarian or behaviorist to help manage the anxiety and prevent it from worsening. There are many different ways to help an anxious dog, including medication, behavioral modification, and supplements.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why dogs may be hyperactive. Some puppies are just born with more energy than others, while others may become hyperactive due to environmental factors or anxiety. 

If your dog is hyperactive, it’s important to understand the underlying cause and work to address it. Otherwise, your dog may be constantly bouncing off the walls and driving you crazy!


Also Read: Common Health Problems In Dogs – What To Do.