What’s the purpose of the purpose of the program?


Moonwell Ambassador is a program that allows users to participate in the Moonwell Ambassadors program is user-driven initiative designed to allow users to be involved in the development of protocols as well as earn rewards for their efforts. A vibrant community is not solely the key to the success of a program but also a source to gain access to opportunities for those looking to invest more than their cryptocurrency investments.

This program will permit users to create products that will benefit the community as well as further highlight the core values of Moonwell and provide its users with an opportunity to learn more about the Blockchain community. Users will be able host events within the community, gain better contact with the team and get more information about borrowing and lending with DeFi.

What are the objectives?

The objective is to unite and build a stronger community around the fundamental value of Moonwell -education, awareness, and encouraging the growth alternatives to traditional financial structures. In addition, we aim to build an ecosystem that is thriving by making it possible for users to be themselves and feel as a part of the group. It will enable users to gain experience doing projects in a direct manner and gain My Discord visibility for their work through giving them meaningful tasks to encourage the development of their skills.

This can be achieved through an organized program that includes a leaderboard and “task lists” that allow players to complete their tasks and earn points, which can be used for different rewards. You can participate in ecosystem grants, earn points in the swag store, get airdrops and special discord roles and many more.

Regularly scheduled events and opportunities to participate and engage with Moonwell’s partners, Moonwell group, our partners and with each other, will connect the community and keep a continuous degree of activity and excitement within the community that allows users to contribute regularly.

Building Relations

Find like-minded people, make new friends and do fun things with them.


Earn points at the swag shop so that you are able to purchase the latest products and other items to show your appreciation for Moonwell. Moonwell project and our community!

Who do we want to find?

Users of all kinds that want to contribute ADAMENKO SVITLANA#0515 towards a larger community specifically in the lending and borrowing section of the DotSama community! They will be enthusiastic and positive, self-starting, cooperative, and eager to support each other in their growth.

There is no limit to the skill set or the level of experience. Anyone can contribute, but activity levels are closely monitored. People who don’t participate or do not keep in touch for the specified time will be taken away and asked to apply again and restart the process.

Program Structure

First rank: Apprentice

  • Just getting started in the Ambassador program.
  • Should be already actively involved in the Discord community.
  • This is the initial appointment once the appointment has been approved.
  • Learning to navigate the ecosystem

Second rank Specialist

  • They have established themselves in the community
  • Created some materials that are actively made available to the community.
  • Concentrates on specializing in the field they choose to specialize in.

Third rank Third rank: Lead

  • Are they a leader in their own community (regional or local, etc.)
  • Assists in the coordination and management of events.
  • Assists in training Apprentices and assists Specialists when required
  • Contact person for the team who will distribute information and facilitate meetings with their communities.


Users can choose to specialize in as many areas as they wish, but the expertise has to be obtained. “Lead” positions are nominated by the sub-community of each specialty and are voted by those within the specific field. For instance, “Creative Lead” is selected and voted through “Creative Apprentices” and “Creative Specialists”.

User Support

Offers assistance for moderating, providing technical support and providing information concerning proposals that have been submitted, and answering user-related questions for the team.


Create content for social media like informative Twitter threads blog posts, infographics, blog posts research, and much more.


Support proposals by making sure the correct workflow is in place and that all information is recorded for the team , as and follow up on any missing information.


Each week, new challenges are made available to the community , each with the theme of the week. The community can submit their ideas and earn points. Every submission will earn an initial set of points However, three submissions will be chosen by the community in order to earn bonus points.

The points can be redeemed quarterly which means that the awards will be awarded to the top points earned during the quarter. The grants will be distributed only following a request submitted by the community that nominates the most prominent 3 users of the quarter for their contribution.

Additionally, members can earn points to purchase items from the swag store.

Challenges are accepted prior to the deadline, and are then reviewed and then assigned points.

Points earned by Ambassadors are tracked using an excel spreadsheet which is maintained by real user-submitted submissions.

Examples of events and tasks

Community AMAs

Host regular AMAs in conjunction with Moonwell. Moonwell team in addition to investigating the partners we work with and hosting events together with them.

Twitter Thread Blast

The threads are created by users that are based on a weekly list of subjects. For instance it might be dedicated to discussing xcM or XCR-20 Assets in order to connect the community with the core marketing efforts.

Informative Creation

Writing blog posts that include instructions for creating posts, Infographics that provide comparative information, Youtube overviews that discuss the most recent updates and the features of the protocol, etc. My Discord – ADAMENKO SVITLANA#0515

Information Sessions

Conducting informative seminars on an issue that has been voted on by the community. The ability to invite experts from one of our projects to present a short talk on cybersecurity, smart contract design, economic simulators and much more. Making content from these training sessions.

External Outreach

Initiating community-level co-marketing and collaboration initiatives like an online tournament for PvP in Moonsama or organizing a community-driven fundraising occasion (such as the MOVE Places) and so on.