What You Need to Know About Tonopen and Intraocular Pressure (IOP) Eye Test


Do you know what normal eye pressure is? Why is it important? How can it affect our quality of life?

Well, many people from kids to older ones these days face a problem known as glaucoma, which is caused by high eye pressure.

This article will discuss all the essential things one should know about eye pressure, from early detection and regular eye exams, to how devices like tonopen help examine eye pressure. So, keep reading to learn more.

Normal eye pressure and its importance

Eye pressure is the pressure at which the fluid-like substance inside the eye starts to exert outwards. This fluid-like substance is known as aqueous humor. Normal eye pressure helps maintain the eyeball’s shape, which helps to keep the eye functioning normally.

According to the studies, the normal intraocular pressure of an eye should be between 10–21 millimeters of mercury. Sometimes, the pressure can be lower or higher than this, and it could still be considered normal to some extent.

After all, if a person has high eye pressure, they may suffer from an eye condition known as glaucoma. Glaucoma is one of the risky diseases which does not show any symptoms at the start. And by the time it starts showing signs, the problem is not in control.

Also, there are many other reasons for the patient’s having glaucoma, but having high eye pressure is one of the most critical risk factors.

IOP eye test or eye pressure test

The eye pressure test can be done quickly with the help of a device called tonopen. It is a very safe and painless procedure to get your eye pressure examined. Nowadays, in many eye hospitals, this eye pressure machine is used. This device takes a few seconds to get accurate eye pressure.

Moreover, there are also some other accurate eye pressure measurement instruments like applanation tonometers.

The primary part of this test is that the doctor puts certain eye drops in the eye to numb it. Then they insert some dye. So, with the dye and drops, they can get an almost accurate eye pressure measurement.

What factors influence the eye pressure test?

Many factors can affect eye pressure. But the most common and essential factor is the corneal thickness. This corneal thickness is especially measured by an instrument known as pachymetry. Whenever a person goes for a high eye pressure exam, ophthalmologists always measure the corneal thickness as a routine eye check-up.

If the diagnosis shows a thicker cornea, your eye has hyperopia, which is higher than real eye pressure. Similarly, a thinner cornea means that your eyes have recorded a lower pressure.

What happens when the eye pressure increases?

Eye pressure is always expected to be normal which helps reduce the risk of vision loss. But in the case of sight-threatening eye diseases like glaucoma, the pressure increases, leading to various eye problems. As glaucoma is an asymptomatic eye disease, it can lead to blindness if it is poorly treated or neglected.

Until now, no cure has been found by which people can get their lost vision back. The main reason for vision loss in glaucoma is damage to the optic nerve.

Also, the effect of glaucoma treatment on eye pressure may not always be constant. Sometimes it can be high or low, or sometimes it can be expected. That’s why people suffering from glaucoma must monitor their eye pressure regularly.

Therefore, the eye pressure test is an integral part of a complete eye examination and is important during regular follow-ups for all glaucoma patients.

Moreover, as the pressure increases, the eye’s optic nerve gradually gets damaged. & leads to gradual loss of vision. Also, as we know, glaucoma can not be fully treated, but it can be stopped from increasing as eye pressure can be controlled by eye drops or glaucoma surgery.

Over the past few years, the efficacy of glaucoma eye drops has increased. This has led to a reduced need to perform surgeries.


People in their 40s should always go for a baseline eye screening as it is very important to have their eyes examined regularly. Many early signs of eye diseases and vision changes may occur at this age. Also, early detection of any condition will help eliminate the high-risk factors.

At Almagia International, we offer tonopen at a very affordable price to professional ophthalmologists. With this device, it becomes easier to get accurate measurements of the eye pressure. To learn more about the tonopen and its price, visit our official website.