What to do against mosquitoes: do’s and don’ts


Do you get bitten by mosquitoes in the summer? All those itchy mosquito bites on your body are no fun. That is why we have listed the best tips for you to repel or (for the go-getters who come near you) mosquitoes. And we also immediately tell you which myths there are about combating mosquitoes! 

Useless solutions against mosquitoes

When you ask friends and acquaintances how they fight mosquitoes, you will probably get a lot of different advice. However, there are a lot of misunderstandings about chasing these stinging bastards. So let’s first reference to a persistent notion to the realm of fables: according to scientists, mosquitoes are not attracted to light, but only to your body odor and warmth. Now that we know that, it can be said with certainty that the following tactics will not help against mosquitoes:

Turn off all lights

The fact that the lighting is on is not the reason why more mosquitoes suddenly fly in at night. The explanation for this is actually simple. These insects sleep during the day and only look for food (your blood) in the evening for the development of their eggs. The moment you turn on the lights just happens to be the moment they become active. Mosquitoes even notice your body heat from a distance of 20 meters and therefore know where to find you, even if you are sitting in the dark.

Wrap yourself in a cloud of perfume, aftershave, or citronella

Your body odor is largely influenced by bacteria that are nestled deep in the pores of your skin. You have little influence on this yourself. Everyone has their own body odor. That mosquitoes find you “tasty” than your partner, children or other family members is therefore possible! The sweeter your scent, the less interesting you are to mosquitoes. Your body odor is hard to disguise. A citronella candle, therefore, does not keep the insects away. Also with a sweet perfume or aftershave you, unfortunately, do not deceive mosquitoes (but your housemates will certainly appreciate it).

Repel mosquitoes with frankincense

Mosquitoes don’t like smoke. However, special anti-mosquito incense is not effective. Your body odor is more attractive to the insects than the incense smell deters them. To keep mosquitoes at a distance, you have to smoke them out, for example by lighting the fire pit or barbecue. But to sit right in that plume of smoke all evening to avoid being stung is another such thing…

This is how you repel mosquitoes: 6 solutions that are effective

Despite all the perfume, incense, and well-intentioned advice: you still suffer from mosquitoes. So what can be done against these nasty insects? The tips below have been proven effective in repelling mosquitoes.

Place screens on windows and doors

Keeping all windows and doors closed all summer is particularly effective at repelling mosquitoes, but less pleasant for yourself. To still enjoy fresh air without paying for it with mosquito bites, you can hermetically close your home with screen doors and screens in front of every window. Do not skimp on the purchase and purchase well-fitting, fine-mesh screens. After all, the insects only need a small opening to enter. It is not the cheapest solution, but you will enjoy it for years.

Sleep under a mosquito net

During the day you are very vigilant and you beat every mosquito away just in time like a true ninja. But as soon as you sleep they still strike, with the result that you wake up full of red bumps… Buy a mosquito net so that the insects can no longer reach your bed. These are available in a variety of colors and models. A mosquito net gives your bedroom a luxurious look, and children also love to sleep under a beautiful colored mosquito net.  

Old but gold: fly swatters

Can you not sleep despite the mosquito net because of the buzz in your bedroom? Then confront the culprit. A fly swatter is also very effective against mosquitoes. With an electric fly swatter, you hit the target even easier than with a normal one. Plus: it doesn’t leave stains on your wall.

Avoid standing water

Do you live on a river or near a ditch? Chances are you have a lot of problems with mosquitoes. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. A small amount of water is enough for this. So also pay attention if the gutter is clogged or if you have a rain barrel in place. Make sure that the water can drain by emptying the rain barrel often and cleaning the clogged gutter. Otherwise, there is a chance that a mosquito infestation will develop in your garden.

Where perfume and citronella do not sufficiently conceal your body odor, DEET does. It is the only product that has been scientifically proven to have a very strong insect repellent effect. During long journeys, it is also used as protection against ticks and malaria mosquitoes. Sprays, lotions, and gels containing up to 50% DEET are available at the pharmacy. 

Important note: DEET is a toxic substance. The skin can become irritated if you use the product frequently. There are even researchers who warn that DEET can have harmful effects on your nervous system.  

Use a mosquito lamp

Back to a solution that is not harmful to you, yet effective. Although mosquitoes are not attracted to normal lighting, UV light does have this effect on them. An insect lamp makes clever use of this. This type of lamp gives off a blue UV light. The mosquito comes to his and is unfortunately hit by the built-in electric high-voltage grid on its way to the lamp. Mosquito lamps are suitable for indoor use. Thanks to its small size, you can easily take a plug-in light with you, and it is therefore also handy to put in your holiday luggage.

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