What to Consider Before Setting the Price of Your Product?

What to Consider Before Setting the Price of Your Product
What to Consider Before Setting the Price of Your Product

Going to launch a new product, you will surely be thinking about its pricing. Introducing new products is a part of the business. Launching them is proof of the company’s progress and growth. When your company settles in the market by selling its products, it tends to expand itself. And the best way to grow any business is to increase its branches and launch new products or services. Your previous customers who are satisfied with your products will surely give a try to your new product at least once.

However, setting the price of a product is not an easy task. You cannot just calculate the expanse of a product and then set the price after deciding a certain profit ratio of this product. You have to consider a lot of things when setting the price of a product. You can follow B2B SaaS pricing strategy if your aim is wholesale dealing. Marketing trends, your audience, competitors, and product demand are some critical things to consider. Let’s explore these things further to assist you in setting the perfect price for your product.

Pricing Goals

No matter what type of business you are dealing with, it must have some goals. Pricing is set as per these goals. If your business doesn’t have clear goals, running it is useless. There are very few chances of growth in such businesses. The pricing of your products determines how long it will take to achieve your goals.

You don’t have to increase the rate of products to achieve these goals simply. Align your business goals with product pricing and set new pricing goals. These goals must be your first priority when setting the price of new products. However, consider the other factors too.

Count the Cost

Whether you manufacture your product or buy it to sell further, it has some fixed cost. This cost is the primary factor to consider when setting the price of new products. This will let you decide how many percentages of profit you can earn from this product. There are two types of cost. These are:

  • Fixed cost is about regular prices. It includes the total expenses of a specific product. The price you pay for its manufacturing or to buy it is the key fixed cost.
  • Variable Cost is the additional money that you have to spend on the maintenance of products—the price of storage, electricity, rent, labor, etc., are additional costs. These costs are variables because they change with changing conditions in your region.

Know the Customers

Your customers are the main characters for a successful launch of any product. Your product will only be successful and beneficial for you if your customers purchase it. Otherwise, your product will be considered as a totally dumb one as it’s not attracting customers and causing you to lose. So make sure to consider your customers before launching any product and setting its price.

You have already dealt with your customers when selling them your previous products, so you don’t have to struggle to understand them. You know from which class they belong and what they will pay for your products. You also learn about their requirements. All these factors combine to assist you in deciding the price of your product.

Market Condition

You must have to understand the current marketing conditions of your region before setting prices for your products. Marketing conditions let you know the ups and downs you may have to face during the launching process. If you find the product is in demand, then you can set a higher price for it. On the other hand, if the product is already in excess, then you may have to set the price low for your products. Waiting for launching the product can also be a solution.

Product Value

Find the value of your product. If your product is able to solve customers’ issues and it helps them save their time and money, then your product is highly valued. You can set a reasonable price for it.


Consider all the things mentioned above before finalizing the price of your product. Content Camel, a highly dependable Highspot alternative will help you a lot in setting the price and launching your product. Consider using it as well to achieve better outcomes.