What Is the WMI Provider Host (WmiPrvSE.exe), and Why Is It Using So Much CPU?

what is WMI provider host

If you are wondering what is WMI provider host then let us tell you that, WMI which means Windows management instrumentation and this is a windows which provides the features of a standardized way for the software and administrative scripts to ask for information about the state of your windows operating system and data on it. 

Normally, the users should know that a WMI (Windows management instrumentation ) host provider is not supposed to use so much of CPU as it is not supposed to do anything usually. But if you are watching WMI provider host high CPU might be a sign that there is some other application which is asking for data via WMI. 

However, if this issue is prolonged then it is possible that it indicates that something is definitely wrong and the WMI provider host is not at all supposed to use so much of CPU resources all the time. 

Restarting the service might help you with the problem with which you are dealing and the steps which you need to follow for the same are as follows – 

  • Begin with pressing start menu and typing services.msc on it and then hit the enter button. 
  • Now, after this you need to look for the windows management instrumentation service from the list followed by which you need to right click on it and press on restart button. 

If you follow these steps you might be able to fix the issues with the high usage of CPU or wmiprvse.exe high CPU so that the CPU won’t use too much of your usage and works properly as it is supposed to work. We hope that the information which has been provided to you by us was helpful for you and you were able to fix the issues with CPU.