What is Roashan apna Ghar Pakistan Scheme

Roashan apna Ghar Pakistan Scheme


To facilitate overseas Pakistanis to get ownership of housing projects in Pakistan, Meezan Roshan Apna Ghar permits them with a Meezan Roshan Digital Account (RDA), which helps them to invest in any residential and commercial real estate venture in the country on residing basis. Some of the notable features of the arrangement are:

  • All capitals would be invested from Meezan Roshan Digital PKR Account. All costs (token money, down payment/advance, full or partial payments, tranches, etc.) must be made through RDA – PKR to fully repatriate the profits/disinvestments in future.
  • A client can capitalize in his/her own name or mutually with entitled family members (which involves parents, siblings, spouse, children—lineal influential and successor only).
  • Direct payments facility in courtesy of seller only.
  • Full repatriation of profits*.

State Bank of Pakistan has initiated Roshan Apna Ghar, a special product for overseas Pakistan and Pakistani Origin Card (POC) holders to digitally and remotely purchase a property, build or modernize a house in Pakistan through their own investment or bank funding for the first time ever in the history of Pakistan. The funding is offered in both conventional and Shariah-compliant alternatives at very striking charges for a period of the next two decades. The end-to-end digital procedure and basic mechanism makes it a convenient and fast method for Overseas Pakistanis to acquire housing investment or invest in Pakistan’s real estate sector.

Buy a property anywhere

The overseas Pakistan interested in investing or gaining funding for properties in pre-approved ventures, will have even quicker processing of their investment or housing finance appeal. Investments made in Pakistan through RDAs are completely repatriable and subject to full and concluding taxation.

Buy through Bank Financing

Overseas Pakistanis can staunchly buy a property from their Roshan Digital Account through their own capitals by visiting Roshan Apna Ghar page of RDA contributing banks. The overseas investors are just required to select the property i.e. 7 Wonders City Islamabad, deposit the duplicates of title credentials and propose an individual in Pakistan to complete the sale or acquisition and transfer regulations and get the property moved in the name of the investor. The bank after making an evaluation of the property and essential showing of the seller will issue payment to the seller or recipient.

Standard Financing

Lien Based Financing

The overseas Pakistanis can acquire house finance facility against lien on their Naya Pakistan Certificates or RDA deposit balances. Banks can back up to 99% of the property worth for acquisition or building of house; for reconstruction of house, funding is covered up to 40% of the property worth. No mortgage of property, reasonable or enumerated, is vital against lien-based financing ability. The debtor will sign all the financing credentials digitally, physical occurrence is not obligatory even for implementation of sale or transfer accomplishment. The debtor will though, recommend any individual in Pakistan to complete the sale or acquisition procedures and get the property relocated in the debtor’s name.

Non-Lien Based Financing

This is normal housing investment presented against mortgage of the property to be bought; banks fund up to 85% of the property worth for acquisition or construction of the home, and up to 30% of the property worth for makeover of house. While the mortgagor will digitally sign the funding papers, his or her physical attendance or power of advocate in favor of any individual in Pakistan is vital for gaining the property’s title documents from Registrar etc. and creating the bank’s custody on the property i.e. Kingdom Valley Payment Plan. The banks will deliver the soft copy of the Special Power of Attorney (SPA) to the debtors for down loading, printing, authorization, getting it attested by Pakistan Mission in the country of residence of the debtor and sending the identical to the advocate. Pakistan Missions and Foreign office in Pakistan has made distinct preparations for confirming the SPAs of RDA holders on priority.

Government Mark-up Subsidy Scheme (GMSS)

The house funding facility under GMSS is also offered for RDA holders under Roshan Apna Ghar product as per the previously well-defined standards under particular tiers for housing projects like New Metro City Gujar Khan. In this circumstance the funding rates appropriate to Government mark-up subsidy scheme would apply.


Roshan Pakistan is completely a digitalized system, instead of a physical one. No physical attendance is needed for certification to purchase a house through own venture or bank funding except in case of non-lien-based funding where the client has a choice to implement the mortgage action in favor of bank either through a superior influence of counsellor or being present himself/herself. For more information, you may discuss with the representatives of Estate Land Marketing for digital payments.

 Author Bio

Waqas Hussain is a SEO Specialist. Currently Head of SEO Department at Estate Land Marketing. With lots of experience in on-page SEO, Off-page SE, keyword research and advanced SEO Practices. With 4+ years of experience in managing blogs and scaling them from 0 to 100,000+ page views a month, it’s safe to say that I know a things about growing content-driven websites.