Virtual Learning Of Quran In Non-Islamic Countries


Knowledge is an essential aspect of Islam or any other religion in general. In Islam, the Holy Book and the teachings of the last Prophet inspire us to learn and apply knowledge. This is crucial for not just Muslims but all humans to grow and evolve in this world. We can only be truly successful by recognizing the importance of the natural world and other humans and our decisions’ effects on them. This is among the main reasons why learning about your surroundings and observation is crucial, which Islam recommends that we take part in.

Learning is so essential to Islam that the first revelation, Surah Al Alaq, commanded man to read and expand his knowledge. The Prophet was also instructed on the importance Allah put on learning and growing knowledge.

It is believed that the Holy Prophet himself stressed numerous times the importance of knowing. Following the Battle of Badr, the Prophet stated that he would release the prisoners of the war free if they could teach Muslim youngsters for a specified time frame. Our history has taught us by the work of scholars such as Al Bukhari that we should strive to learn and grow to help make the world a better environment.

The life of Muslims and the significance of Quranic doctrines

Anyone at any time in their lives can look to the Quran for direction and guidance; to do this, one needs to know what is written in the Holy Book. From personal choices to decisions on social issues and even social choices, they all are laid inside the Quran. There are even guidelines for running an administration there. Hadith also provides a more precise understanding of what the Quran says. Today, we can find on the web how the tiniest of things Islam states are being proven beneficial for our body and mind. We start to recognize the rights of various groups, including women, neighbors, guests, pets, and others. As we learn more about the Quran, we begin to understand why the rules and sanctions that Islam stipulates are the best for us.

This is why we should try to improve our understanding in this age where there are many options for getting knowledge. It is possible to use virtual learning to accomplish this. Learning about the Quran and other aspects of Islam is easy to acquire. Even in non-Islamic nations, it isn’t always easy to find a qualified teacher capable of teaching the Quran. Websites such as Learn Quran Academy provide these skilled teachers with this exact goal. Without any form of distinction, they offer the most qualified teachers no matter where you are located, and any time you’d like. This makes acquiring Islamic knowledge much simpler and more convenient while also encouraging us to study the religion in depth.