The Top 6 Ways to Lose Weight Easily and Keep it Off

The Top 6 Ways to Lose Weight Easily and Keep it Off

Lose weight can be difficult, but it’s even harder to keep it off over the long term. There are countless diet programs that promise fast weight loss results, but what they don’t tell you is that the majority of those people end up gaining it all back or more. 

Weight loss goals and journeys are considered tough and can only be achieved by proper diet, high intensity workouts and motivations. Celebrities like Shehnaaz Gill and Adnam Sami is an inspiration for all. In fact Hollywood celebrities like Kelly Doty lost weight due to a regime she used to follow. Similarly, how Doja Cat lost weight is also an inspiration. If you want to avoid falling into this trap, look at these 6 ways to lose weight easily and keep it off over the long term so you can maintain your healthy weight without too much struggle.

1) Make small changes to Lose Weight

We often make the mistake of thinking that radical lifestyle changes are the way to get healthier and live a more wholesome life. And sometimes, this causes us to experience backlash and undoing all the hard work we put in. Instead of changing your whole diet overnight, try making small tweaks. Start by removing processed junk food from your pantry or cabinet; after a few days of not having processed foods at your fingertips, you may not even miss them.

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2) Eat more veggies to Lose Weight

Most people think eating vegetables is a sign of good health, but in reality most of us don’t eat enough. When you do eat veggies, make sure they are high in nutrients by selecting leafy greens over starchy vegetables. Going meatless on occasion will also help with weight loss as meat has more calories than vegetables.

3) Get enough sleep to Lose Weight

A good night’s sleep is crucial for weight loss. Not only does sleep help reduce stress, which indirectly causes weight gain, but it can also help us manage our appetite by increasing levels of a hormone called leptin. Leptin is released by fat cells and tells our brains we’re full. Get six hours of sleep every night for optimal health benefits, but don’t overdo it—getting too much sleep can cause insulin resistance and lead to weight gain. Aim for at least seven hours a night, according to new research from Stanford University Medical Center .

4) Exercise right after you wake up to Lose Weight

If you work out first thing in the morning, you’ll likely have more energy throughout your day. Plus, research shows that when you exercise right after waking up, your body will burn fat even faster during your workout (because of a phenomenon called morning boost). In other words, if you take advantage of morning boost—instead of taking a nap or putting off exercise until later in the day—you can really rev up your weight loss. So don’t just hit snooze on your alarm clock; use it as an opportunity to get moving! You should also try not to eat anything for at least two hours before exercising. Doing so could cause discomfort and make it harder for you to push yourself hard enough during your workout.

5) Give yourself a cheat day to Lose Weight

You should be allowed one or two cheat days per week where you can allow yourself to eat anything you want. This will make your diet more enjoyable, and take away some of those feelings of deprivation that people often experience. Having a few cheat days is also good because it allows you to have healthy junk food from time-to-time as well, without feeling like you’re going off of your diet completely. That being said, don’t abuse cheat days, or use them as an excuse not to stick with your diet—you should really only do them on weekends or special occasions once every couple weeks at most!

6) Avoid fad diets to Lose Weight

While there’s nothing wrong with a quick fix, restrictive fad diets rarely work long-term. The key is to make sustainable changes that can stick around for life. One easy way to do that? Cut back on portion sizes in an effort to avoid overeating later on. A perfect example of portion control? Consider swapping out larger dinner plates for smaller ones at mealtime, or use small bowls instead of big cereal dishes when you get up in the morning. Smaller plates or bowls will force you to take in less food because your eyes are bigger than your stomach! If a plate seems too small, go ahead and use two—you’ll probably end up eating less total calories just because you feel fuller faster!