It took thousands of years for us to reach what we have now in the medical world. The years of researching, developing, testing, and manufacturing medicine and supplements are not yet over. There are still tons of diseases that we barely know anything about, a lot of illnesses without cure and reliable treatment, and a mountain of opportunities. However, as the medical world progress, so do the illnesses. The diseases and illnesses we have now are not the limits. There are tons that we have not discovered and are yet to develop.
As scientists discover and research more chemicals in our environment, medical professionals use their knowledge. They continue to research and test the findings. We should not hinder the progression of humanity, especially in the field of medicine. Instead, we should support this. One of the opportunities we have now is using cannabis for different treatments and pain medication. The word cannabis and the words associated with it, like marijuana, are stigmatized. No matter how bad it looks to the public, we cannot deny the potential it has and the benefits it gives. Like every other medicine, all of them can be harmful, but it depends on how people use them.
Orofacial Pain
Orofacial pain is a type of chronic pain. This chronic condition happens around the face, neck, and head. Studies associate this orofacial pain with some issues within the nervous system. Scientists and medical professionals have not fully understood this, but the data usually shows that this chronic pain has many neuropathic pain components.
Studies show that stimulating the CB1 And CB2 receptors may alleviate orofacial pain. The CB1 receptor is part of the human endocannabinoid system. They are found in the central nervous system and focus more on the psychoactive effects the body experiences. CB2, on the other hand, is located in the peripheral nervous system and immune cells. CB1 handles the anti-inflammatory actions. CB1 targets motor activity, appetite, thinking, pain perception, etc.
In comparison, CB2 focuses more on the organs like kidneys, pancreas, skin, bones, and the cardiovascular system. This stimulation can be done with the help of cannabis. Orofacial pain continues to be resistant to customary treatments, o patients continue to seek alternative treatments and put their trust and hope in them. Scientists continue to study to understand the potential for cannabis to be a long-term treatment for conditions like this.
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is a kind of eating disorder where the patient has an abnormally low, thus unhealthy body weight. People with anorexia have intense fear and anxiety with the idea of gaining weight. They resort to extreme diets and even exercise to keep their weight light, and in the shape they want. These extreme efforts may be taking only 500 calories a day, doing extreme cardio, and eating only once a day. Illnesses like cancer and HIV may cause this disorder. Usually, if an illness causes anorexia nervosa, the patient losses their appetite but not by choice.
Symptoms of anorexia nervosa can be seen physically, emotionally, and just by the person’s behavior. A person suffering from anorexia may constantly feel fatigued, dehydrated, suffer from insomnia, has abnormal blood counts, and have very thin and weak hair. They may go on extreme diets or fast, exercise, and binge eat, then purge. Purging is when the person forces themselves to vomit so that the calories they took would “go away” along with the puke. They usually avoid eating in public, skip or refuse to eat meals, constantly check their body weight and calorie intake, frequently do body checks, and are easily irritated.
Results of studies show that oral cannabinoids like delta 8 gummies can help increase the weight of patients with anorexia nervosa, that are caused by other illnesses. Though anorexia caused by cancer does not show enough desirable results, HIV-caused anorexia does. Compared to other studies, cannabis has been found to increase the weight more significantly than the use of placebos. Results show that patients have to increase calorie intake by 40 percent with the help of cannabis. Keep in mind that there will be different legal statuses for marijuana use depending on your state. If you live in Missouri, you may qualify to obtain a Missouri medical marijuana card for eating disorders after being examined and certified by a state-licensed physician.
Anorexia nervosa – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic
Therapeutic Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids – The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids – NCBI Bookshelf (