The Importance Of Learning Related To Careers In Primary Schools


The Importance Of Learning Related To Careers In Primary Schools


In response towards the Covid pandemic, the attention of the

career field is on the needs of secondary/tertiary school students as well as

those not in Education, Employment or Training, Employment or Training and the

necessity of providing students with high-quality, independent, impartial

advice on careers and guidance from professional experts.

With this in mind, one could think twice about the importance of

an article on careers in

Elementary careers in elementary schools.

Schools face an immense task ahead of them to inspire children, help them

re-socialize and assist them in overcoming their fears, while also instilling

confidence on the importance of education. Particularly for children who come

from less privileged and difficult backgrounds. I think that integrating

career-related education and exposing children to examples working in the real

the world in a safe and fun manner can really aid in this.

Isn’t the primary age too young to discuss career options?

Parents and teachers alike have expressed concern that we could

be creating a situation where children grow too quickly at this young age.

They’re naturally concerned about the risks of guiding children to specific

careers or jobs at a time when their ambitions should be broad and ambiguous. I agree with them. We shouldn’t be giving careers guidance in the elementary schools, instead focusing on expanding horizons and fostering hopes, providing children with an array of opportunities around the of the world , including the workplace. It’s an opportunity to open doors showing kids the many possibilities which are open to them, and ensuring that they maintain their choices as long as they can. There is a variety of abilities, traits and

behaviors that can be cultivated during this first stage of an individual’s life. These will put them in the best place as they make the transition to secondary school and their future. What is the significance of it? Our first

survey conducted in collaboration in partnership with TES and NAHT asked

teachers in the primary grades what the reasons why introducing children to the

the work world in the early years was crucial. It revealed that:

  • Teachers Are The Majority

in believing that students should be taught about the working world and various jobs during the first year of primary school.

  • The Vast Majority Of

schools in the primary grades were conducting a range of programs with the goal

to enhance children’s understanding of the working world.


all agreed that opening children up to the workplace was essential in:

  • Connecting Their Learning

to the real world , and by doing so, increasing motivation to do their best giving more meaning to their education

  • Broadening Gender Aspirations Link To Achieving Another

study found that giving children the opportunity to interact with people who

work in the field and hear about their personal experiences can help them

comprehend the significance of the subjects they’re studying and boost their

motivation and achievement. 95% of educators believe that student

achievement could improve due to:

  • Volunteers From All Over

the world are working to help pupils be confident in their own abilities,and

helping them be aware of the world beyond the classroom

  • Higher Motivation After

the exposure to role models from the workplace (adults not just teachers) keen

on their own learning and development

  • Refuting Stereotypes

The truth about gender stereotyping beginning at an early time

was brought to public attention with our two-minute documentary, Redraw the Balance. It has

been watched over 100 million times and features 66 children who were asked to

sketch a portrait of a firefighter, surgeon and pilot. Of the children, 61 of

they created the image of a male and only five sketched female figures.

Incredulous by the responses to the film, we conducted an

international survey that asked children aged 7 to 11 years old to sketch a

sketch of what job they’d like to pursue when they grow older. More than 13,000

Kids from the UK participated in Drawing the Future. Drawing the Future study

and it was clear that even at an early age, many children had thoughts about

their future careers. 36% of children , to seven years old older have their

career goals based on the people they have known. If they didn’t know anyone

who performed the work they wanted to draw 45 percent of respondents said that

television, film as well as radio, were among the main elements that influenced

their decision. However, less than one percent of kids knew about the job

through an individual who was visiting their school. This is a huge issue for

social mobility as children of lower incomes may not have access role models in

the workplace and their ambitions are restricted because of this.

The hallmarks of success

Through The Night We Have Created A Set Of ‘hallmarks For Success’

for learning related to careers in the first year of school:


  1. Inspire and stimulate

children to think to learn by connecting and embedding into your curriculum the strong links between the classroom and the workplace

  1. Expand children’s horizons and increase aspirations
  2. Make sure children can see

the connection and purpose between their educational experiences and theirfuture

  1. Contest the notions that

children and parents frequently have about their jobs and those who perform them.

  1. Encourage the improvement of expectations of success and success for all children
  2. Let children discover more about their capabilities and talents, and help them develop confidence
  3. Insist on the importance of literacy and numeracy in later years
  4. Learn about careers that are suited to the various ages and requirements of all children


1.Invite volunteers from all areas of work to come and talk to children

  1.   Provide career-related

learning programs that allow children to connect their academic learning with the possibilities today and in the near future.

3.Plan career-related learning excursions e.g. to the workplace, museum, or universities

  1.   Make the most of online

learning tools in the classroom, such as videos, games as well as role plays as well as group or individual activities.

  1.   Explore the various routes

that adults have used to obtain their current position e.g. professional (Inc.apprentices) or academics, beginning their own company, etc.

Making It Simple

Our charity as well as NAHT and NAHT have worked together for

the past 6 years to conduct studies and investigating the evidence on the

advantages for children from education that is career-related. We have also

supported schools that want to incorporate it. Many had cited the lack of easy

access to volunteers from the world of work so we developed Primary Futures The site uses an Inspiring the Future on-line

matchmaking service that gives them access to an extensive variety of volunteer

opportunities and resources which are free. Recently, we’ve created interactive

online ways to connect schools to volunteers, as well as guidance and resources

to help with this. The response from these programs is very positive and the

tools are now accessible to all schools in the county.

Nick Chambers, CEO Education and Employers Charity

More information and research papers are available on the website . 

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Author : almuhammadiacademy URL :