Telegram improvements – unread comments counter and hot stickers


We are happy to announce two new features on Telegram(tg下载): unread comments on channels and hot stickers.

Application new features

To make Telegram even more useful, we are now introducing two new features: an unread message counter for channels and hot stickers.

This is a big step toward making Telegram easier to use. We’ve made sure that your channel comments are numbered so that you can easily see which comment was sent last and whether or not the entire conversation has been read.

We’re also introducing hot stickers, which allow you to add some extra spice (or even a pun) to any message. Hot stickers are searchable by keyword and can be used free of charge in channels, groups, and private chats.

Comments on posts in the channel will now be numbered

We’ve already introduced the ability to create @channel mentions, but our research shows that many of you use them incorrectly. To help with this, we’re adding a new feature: numbered comments on posts in channels. Now you can keep track of your conversations much better than before.

This feature works on both mobile and desktop versions of Telegram—just tap the numbered button next to a post to quickly access a specific comment in the thread or go back to the top of it.

This feature works on both mobile and desktop versions of Telegram

The unread comments counter is available on both the mobile and desktop versions of Telegram(Telegram 汉化), as well as on all operating systems. This means that if you’re using a computer, you can still benefit from having more control over your conversations.

This new feature will also work on any device and platform — including Chrome OS, Linux, and Windows 10 — so you won’t have any trouble using it no matter what kind of computer or laptop you happen to be using right now.

Popular animated stickers

Hot Stickers are here! These are popular animated stickers that have been used by a large number of users over the last few days.

They can be found in the @stickers section, from where you can send them to friends or add them to your collection.

Hot Sticker Promo: The first ten thousand people who install Telegram from Google Play or Apple App Store will get one of these hot stickers for free! (Offer ends July 6th.)

You can add them to the collection of @ stickers

You can find hot stickers in two places: at the top of @stickers and in your collection. To add them to your collection, tap on a sticker to open it, then tap on More -> Add to Sticker Book (you can also press and hold on the sticker).

To find all of our official sticker sets, go to Settings -> Stickers & Chatting -> Sticker Sets and make sure Official is selected. Even if you don’t have access to all the stickers yet, this will help you find out what’s available.

If you’re looking for third-party sticker sets, tap Browse All > Categories > Hot Stickers (this category has been added as an update).

Channel comments, numbers, and hot Tags

-Channel comments numbering

-Hot stickers

-How to find and use them


We hope you like these new additions to Telegram and will enjoy using them in your chats. We have big plans for the future, but we need to keep making improvements now as well. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to share them with us on the Telegram channel!