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HomeHealth & FitnessSugar in Urine: Everything You Need to Know About

Sugar in Urine: Everything You Need to Know About

High sugar levels in the urine indicate something problematic in your body’s functioning. Although, urine does not often contain increased sugar levels. However, when the glucose levels are too high in the blood, the body excretes it through urine.

A pancreas specialist or endocrinologist will watch the sugar levels in urine as part of a routine checkup. Sugar in urine can signify several problems, but it can also be completely normal, depending on your body’s hydration level and general metabolism.

What Does Sugar in Urine Mean?

Sugar or glucose is not typically a constituent of urine. If your urine contains sugar, it is because there is more glucose in your blood than your kidneys can filter out. Glucose not filtered out of the blood by the kidneys will end up being processed by the bladder.

The condition of higher levels of sugar in the urine is called Glycosuria. It can be a sign of diabetes. However, sugar in urine can also indicate many other issues.

If sugar is present in urine due to diabetes, it is usually accompanied by other symptoms. These include unexplained body weight loss, fatigue, frequent urination, and excessive thirst and hunger.

What Causes Sugar in Urine?

Following are health conditions that can cause a person to have sugar in the urine.

1. Hyperglycemia

Hyperglycemia is an excessive level of glucose in the blood. This is typically caused by insufficient insulin in your body or when your body fails to utilise insulin properly. The main symptoms of hyperglycemia include high levels of sugar in urine, frequent urination, and increased thirst. Hyperglycemia can be caused by several factors, including Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, stress, overeating, and physical inactivity.

2. Prediabetes

People with a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes are usually diagnosed with prediabetes. It is a condition that is beginning to indicate high blood sugar levels. This condition results from insulin resistance that prevents cells from utilising glucose properly. Prediabetes increases not only the risk for Type 2 diabetes but also heart disease and stroke. Prediabetes risk factors include obesity, age, family history, gestational diabetes, and PCOS.

3. Diabetes

It is one of the most common health issues across the globe. If you have suffered from auto-immune diseases, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves’ disease, it is possible that you may develop Type 1 diabetes. Some other rare forms of diabetes, such as Type 3a and 3b, can also be diagnosed by checking for sugar in the urine.

4. Renal Glycosuria

Renal Glycosuria is a rare condition. It occurs when too much sugar is removed from your body through urine. This condition usually indicates that the renal tubes of your kidney are not working properly. Renal tubes are responsible for cleaning the blood. When they are not working properly, sugar is removed through urine instead of being absorbed.

1. Kidney disease

Sugar in urine is one of the symptoms that are commonly found in people suffering from kidney disease. This disease is usually caused by high blood pressure, which damages the kidneys and makes them stop working properly. You are at a high risk of getting kidney disease if you have diabetes, high cholesterol, a family history of kidney disease, and poor nutrition.

5. Gestational diabetes

This is a type of diabetes that affects pregnant women. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, the body goes through changes that may cause a sudden increase in blood sugar levels. Gestational diabetes generally occurs when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin. Although it is temporary, gestational diabetes can have a negative effect on both you and your baby.


It is not natural to have sugar in the urine. If a test reveals sugar in your urine, you should visit a doctor or pancreas specialist. Diabetes is not the only cause of sugar in the urine. Other conditions like renal Glycosuria and kidney disease may also increase glucose levels in urine.

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