Strategies for stock market success


Stock market is a financial market was certain strategies and minded techniques are required to earn profit. Bare hand and mind have no place in this tricky and risky market.  If you are a beginner and have decided to invest in this market then you must follow certain strategies to earn good money. Let’s get to know about them.

Buy low and sell high

The heading itself has described the whole meaning .which means as a beginner if you have decided to invest in this market then in starting you should buy stocks who’s value is low in market . This will lower down your risk of loosing huge money if the stock doesn’t perform in market but if the stock performs then you may get triple the amount invested. 

Buy and hold 

This is also a well know strategy which every investor follow is that they purchase stock and keep them aside. Means they hold the stocks with them for long time till they notice any increase in there value as expected. And sell them at the right time to earn money or profit you can say.

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Buy multiple stocks 

If you want to lower down your risk from market in getting loss and failure then never make a mistake to invest in one Stock or else buy multiple stocks of different companies.  This will help you to earn more profit. If one stock fails to perform well in market then you have another stock to compensate its value and provide you more profit. 

Use time strategy

Before buying stocks of company survey in market about the past performance of company and what was its value in stock exchange market. This time strategy will help you predict the stock fluctuation in past through which you can easily buy stocks and predict there value in present, also you may judge which stock will provide more profit to you and which will provide loss to you. 

Gain complete knowledge 

Stock market is not meant for those who have little knowledge or no knowledge about stocks. This will make you earn loss only. On the other hand if you want to become successful in this tricky market then gain as much knowledge as possible, you can learn from books, news channels, Updation from traders on social platform and much more. Having complete knowledge of stocks will help you to apply strategy at right time when required also you will know how to concentrate in fluctuations of stock to make trading easy. 

Don’t follow others 

This strategy is very effective.  As don’t walk behind someone. Remember on one will become happy if you will earn more money as compared to them.  People will miss guide you so that you lose and they win. 

Best part in stock market is to move alone, enter alone, freely choose your own stock and sell them accordingly to earn profit. 

Following the above mention strategies in a right way would definitely provide you success in stock market. But remember knowledge, money and time are the 3 main useful tools of stock market.

About The Author 

Gaurav Heera is a Stock Market expert, Analyst & educator having more than a decade experience in the stock market industry. Currently he heads Delhi Courses Institute , an institute best known for its best and affordable stock market course in Delhi.

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