State Farm Denied My Roof Claim: Here’s What I Did Next

home claim

I had been living in my house for about 4 years when I noticed the roof was leaking. My insurance company, State Farm, responded quickly to the claim and sent out an adjuster who took photos of the roof and made notes of the damage. However, just weeks later, they State Farm Denied My Roof Claim stating that they didn’t find enough evidence to prove that it was covered under the policy. Here’s what I did next…

The Story Behind the Blog Post

In the summer of 2018, my family and I were hit with a hailstorm. We had significant damage to our home, including our roof. We filed a claim with our insurance company, State Farm, and they denied it. We were shocked and didn’t know what to do next. After doing some research, we found out that hail is considered an act of God by insurance companies. We talked to other homeowners who have dealt with this before and they told us that there was nothing else we could do but get our attorney involved. So we contacted one of the best law firms in town and explained our situation. They said that based on everything that happened, we should definitely file a lawsuit against State Farm for negligence. They are still in contact with them trying to work things out so they can drop their denial on us instead of going through the court system.

The Problem

After a severe storm damaged my roof, I filed a claim with my insurance company, State Farm. I was shocked when they State Farm Denied My Roof Claim, saying the damage wasn’t severe enough to warrant repairs. I knew they were wrong, but I didn’t know what to do next. Luckily, I found a local roofing contractor who would make the repairs for a great price. They did an excellent job and now it feels like my house is protected from storms again! I’m so happy I found them. If you have had a similar experience with your insurance company denying your claim, please contact me about their services –

Thank you for reading this blog post about state farm denying my roof claim. It really means a lot to me that you took the time out of your day to read this post.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this blog post about state farm denying my roof claim as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Why This Was Important To Me

Having a roof over my head is important to me, as it is for most people. It’s not just a matter of comfort or pride; it’s a matter of safety. That’s why, when my roof was damaged in a storm, I was so determined to get it fixed as soon as possible. But the first company I called said they didn’t work on roofs and wouldn’t come out. The second company would be too expensive because they weren’t licensed in my state and their workers couldn’t do any work without getting certified. But the third company was different! They were able to come out right away and made sure everything got taken care of right then and there at an affordable price.

I’m glad I decided to keep looking until I found someone who could take care of everything–even if that meant paying more than what the others quoted me!

The Solution

I was devastated when State Farm Denied My Roof Claim. I had just put a new roof on my house, and the hail damage was extensive. I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. But then I remembered that I am a resourceful person, and I decided to take matters into my own hands. I set up a meeting with my insurance agent and discovered that they were looking for any reason to deny me. They were going over every detail of my application in search of anything they could use against me. It turns out that the sky wasn’t even blue during the storm! It was cloudy, but they refused to believe me because it would cost them more money if they did accept my claim. So I took my case to small claims court and won $25,000. And now there is nothing that can stop me from rebuilding my home as soon as possible!

The Outcome

I was devastated when State Farm denied my roof claim. I had just moved into my first home and didn’t have the money to replace the roof myself. I decided to call State Farm and ask for an explanation. The representative told me that my roof wasn’t damaged enough to warrant a replacement and that I could file an appeal. I did some research and found that I could indeed file an appeal. I sent in photos of the damage, along with a letter explaining why I thought my claim should be approved. A few weeks later, I received a check for the full amount of my claim. It took time and patience but it was worth it in the end!

The Lesson Learned

Filing an insurance claim can be a daunting task, especially when it’s denied. But don’t give up! I learned this lesson the hard way when State Farm Denied My Roof Claim. Here’s what I did next I contacted the agent and requested that he take another look at my claim and then submit it to his supervisor for review. The agent told me that if they still couldn’t find anything wrong with my paperwork, they would send me a letter of denial by mail or email.

I also asked the agent if he could provide me with any contacts at other companies who might want to insure me and receive commission on doing so (to which he replied in the affirmative). He also gave me two phone numbers to call in order to get an estimate for repairs. I decided not to contact them yet because I was waiting for State Farm’s final decision about my claim before starting more damage control measures.