Six Reasons to Consider Artificial Grass for Your Yard

Artificial Grass

Attempting to attain the perfect lawn is an exhausting, time consuming activity. No one wants to feel the silent judgment of their neighbors over a dead lawn but is a small stretch of grass worth all that effort? A simple solution to the issue is artificial grass. Artificial turf has come a long way since the Astroturf days. An increasingly popular landscaping option, artificial turf is now able to imitate the lush look of many different species found in lawns. 

Whether you want a Kentucky bluegrass, or a ryegrass, or other types of various species, you can now have that in fake grass too. It takes time a consideration to decide if investing in fake turf is right for your yard.  There are a few factors to consider that might make it easier to make the decision about swapping out your lawn.

What is Artificial Grass?

Artificial turf was first used in 1966 in the Houston Astrodome. It was installed when the first domed indoor stadium failed to grow a proper field during its very first season. Field conditions were so bad the second half of the season that they gave up and installed fake grass.  While it began mostly as a sporting material, the turf has quickly grown popular for both commercial and residential landscaping. 

Artificial grass is made of synthetic man-made fibers designed to look authentic.  The synthetic blades are varying shades of green depending on what kind of turf you want. It has a solid backing with the blades machine stitched into the weave. Newer types have a brown color woven in to mimic the natural look of dead grass seen in real lawns. New technology has made it possible for fake lawns to look far more authentic in appearance than before. 

Different Types of Fake Grass

There are several different types of fake lawn available in the landscaping market today, most of which manage to look quite realistic. The different materials the fake turf is made of are:

  • Nylon
    • Nylon is the most durable synthetic kind of greenery. It is also heat and weight resistant, keeping its shape despite the circumstances. This kind is used mostly for sports venues due to the cost of the product and the stiffness of the texture.
  • Polyethylene
    • This is a softer, more yard friendly variation for residential areas. Paired with a Nylon secondary thatch, Polyethylene will hold up to plenty of wear and tear. 
  • Polypropylene
    • This is the most affordable kind, but also the least durable. Polypropylene does not hold up well under heat and wears down easily after some use. 

Reasons to Consider fake Grass

There are quite a few reasons to consider getting artificial grass, despite the financial investment it becomes.

  • Say Goodbye to Maintenance
    • Maintenance and upkeep of a lawn are always on going. Mowing, weeding, edging, watering, and more are required to keep a pristine lawn. Even just keeping a mediocre lawn requires a weekly effort that could be going to more important things. Going artificial allows you to have a beautiful yard with a fraction of the effort.
  • Versatile Uses
    • Beyond making landscaping easy, fake grass is a great surface for different activities. It can be used to line a pet area, as a playground surface, and even for a putting green. Artificial turf is also great for commercial landscaping as well. It looks great without having to pay a landscaper to come every week. 
  • Cut Down on Seasonal Allergies
    • Your lawn, in its many different forms and species is one of the biggest irritants during allergy season. Cut down on your local allergens with artificial greenery and spend time enjoying the outdoors instead of dreading them. 
  • Durability
    • Kids and pets are hard on lawns. They deserve that free space to run around and be wild in, but you also deserve a break now and again. Constantly keeping up with the wear and tear of pets and kids running about the yard is exhausting. Artificial grass is designed to be extremely durable. No more worrying about your dog burning patches in the lawn or leaving it full of holes. It can withstand anything your family and animals throw at it.
  • Stays Green
    • No matter what drought or water restrictions, no matter the lack of sun, or chemical imbalance in the soil, the yard will always be green. No need to set up a sprinkler system or calculate how much fertilizer to buy per square foot of your lawn. The turf starts green and stays that way with no effort. 
  • Environmentally Friendly 
    • Installing fake grass cuts down on the number of pesticides and fertilizers being introduced to the environment. No mowing means less gas being used and less waste to dispose of. You can even get variations that are made from recycled materials, or even recycled artificial turf. According to the EPA, 50% of landscape water is wasted due to leaks, overwatering, and evaporation. Click here to learn more about conserving water for landscaping and around the house. Imagine how many gallons of water can be saved each year by having a landscape that doesn’t need water.