Restaurant Chair Design – Which Is Best, Metal Or Wood?


The steady contention between numerous café proprietors is this: Which eatery seats configuration is ideal – wood, metal, plastic or blend? I presently can’t seem to peruse a contention that persuades me for any of those. Notwithstanding every one of the contentions, actually each of the three have their advantages and their drawbacks.

What I really do in some cases question, which is ideal, is where one attempts to duplicate one of the others. A genuine model is metal with a wood like color, or wood that is painted to seem to be metal. Assuming that you need the wood look – use wood. On the off chance that you need the metallic look, utilize metal. The plastics are generally an exemption. Plastics are frequently made with a lumber like stained finish. In any case, wooden restaurant chairs is a central point and for certain seats, having the option to endure weather conditions is another.

The upside of utilizing wood seats is that it has an upscale look, they ought to last you 10 years or more. They ought to be cleaned routinely to make them last longer and keep them looking spotless, you will likewise have to fix the screws and fasteners consistently. They might require the seats supplanted or restored following a couple of years, the vinyl seats might get tears and wear spots, while the wood seats might get scratches. You could recuperate them or sand them down and resurface them.

The upside of utilizing metal furniture is that it will endure longer than wood seats. These additionally ought to be cleaned routinely to keep them looking perfect. Some metal casing seats utilize stray pieces, provided that this is true, they should be fixed routinely like the wood seats to make them last longer. A ton of the metal seats currently are welded and needn’t bother with any upkeep other than cleaning. Like the wood furniture, the seats won’t keep going as long as the edges and may should be resurfaced, recuperated or supplanted.

You might contend that solidness is likewise a central point. Plastics outlive, generally, both metal and lumber when used to make café seats. Aside from enduring, I see no significant distinction between wood or metal. It ought to be recollected that we are examining business quality furnishings. Treated appropriately, the two of them will make due for a really long time. Treated mistakenly, and every one of the three materials could go to pieces rapidly. With regards to an eatery seats plan, the best material is one that finds a place with your overall stylistic layout. Now and again it is smarter to coordinate the seats with the current style.


In conclusion, if you’re going to get a chair custom made for your restaurant, make sure you find out exactly what your requirements are so that you get the right style and size for your restaurant. Don’t fall for the old adage, “you get what you pay for”. The chair you choose needs to be comfortable and match your style of eating. When you’re buying the chair, be sure to look at the chair legs, back and seat areas. You may find it hard to make the choice between wood and metal chairs when you’re buying the chair because they are both beautiful and have lots of uses.