Reduction Rhinoplasty Explained


A rhinoplasty helps transform the nose for both medical and cosmetic results. Since not all noses are the same, different rhinoplasty techniques are used for different noses. Reduction rhinoplasty is a specific technique used to resize and reshape the nose.

The Basics of Reduction Rhinoplasty

When someone says they have a “big” nose, this could be due to multiple factors. An injury can cause the nose to become misshapen and appear larger in certain areas. Genetics and even aging are also common causes.

Whatever the reason, many people feel self-conscious about having a larger than average nose. Unfortunately, there is no natural way to achieve smaller proportions. Nose exercises and creams do not work.

A rhinoplasty procedure is able to both reshape and resize the nose regardless of gender or ethnicity. Modern technology has made it possible for surgeons to focus on one specific area of the nasal structure as well as the overall nose.

What Makes Reduction Rhinoplasty Special?

There are two main types of rhinoplasty procedures. An augmentation procedure involves restructuring the bridge of the nose. This is the area that runs down the center of the nose between both nostrils.

Augmentation procedures are generally performed to give the appearance of a stronger profile. Noses with drooping tips can be reshaped to have a different slope. By using the types of techniques involved in an augmentation an individual focuses more on the shape than the size of their nose.

Reduction rhinoplasty is used to reduce the size of the nose. This procedure specifically reduces the nasal structure. Bulbous noses become less defined as the surgeon sculpts the existing nasal tissue.

The tip of the nose is not the only section that can be minimized. Many patients opt for reducing the size of their nostrils. Wide or flared nostrils can be manipulated with techniques such as an alarplasty that adjusts the width of each nostril.

Both the overall nose and individualized parts of the nose can be decreased in size. The entire nose does not need to be reshaped to reduce a nasal tip or hump.

What About the Procedure?

A nose reduction procedure usually takes about two hours. This is not the type of surgery that requires you to spend a night in the hospital.

All techniques involved in a rhinoplasty require making incisions. These are tiny cuts that are made on the surface of the skin. Most incision scars can be hidden so that nobody can see them by starting from inside the nostril.

An “open procedure” is when the incisions are placed on the top of the nose. This is typically used to gain access to the tip of the nose. For bulbous nasal tips, this can be an easier approach than creating incisions from inside the nostril.

Reduction rhinoplasty is used to remove cartilage. You may be thinking “so what happens with the extra skin?”. The extra skin that occurs from tissue removal will not be cut. Luckily it does not just droop over the existing nasal structure. Extra skin will actually shrink to fit its new size without any additional surgery. 

Is It Painful?

The surgery is not painful because anesthesia is used for all patients. Anesthesia will block pain during the operation and pain medication can be prescribed for the recovery process.

Different forms of anesthesia are used depending on the patient. Patients with a medical history involving blood clots may need IV sedation instead of general anesthesia due to safety reasons. For certain patients, blood thinners may also be adjusted before the procedure.

IV sedation is also called twilight anesthesia. This is because, like general anesthesia, the patient is fully unconscious. General anesthesia is not as fast-acting as using an intravenous method, but it does provide the deepest sedation.

Regardless of the type of anesthesia used, all patients are monitored through the entire process. Potential allergic reactions from prior medical history will factor into whichever method is chosen.

Pain management after rhinoplasty is fairly simple. Extra strength Tylenol can be used for mild pain, but aspirin can cause additional bleeding. Extra pillows on either side of the body are recommended for patients that feel uncomfortable sleeping on their back. This can prevent excessive tossing and turning that might hurt the nose.

A follow-up appointment is always scheduled after surgery to monitor a patient’s progress. This appointment is where patients can discuss any concerns they might have during the recovery period.

The swelling usually subsides after just a few days. Many patients feel ready to return to work after one to two weeks. Sports or other activities that can involve potential trauma should be delayed even once the pain has initially subsided.

When Is It Time To Get a Reduction Rhinoplasty?

Nobody has to get a reduced rhinoplasty. The procedure is typically used for personal aesthetic reasons. If you have been feeling self-conscious about the size of your nose for a long period of time, this may be the right procedure for you.

Like most other body parts, your nose will continue to grow throughout your lifetime. While it may change size over time, the differences are usually minimal. A change in shape is more likely to occur as the slope of the nose slants downward.

The majority of growth happens in adolescence. There is no particular year when it stops growing, but usually, by the time boys and girls reach 16, it is safe to say that the nose is fully formed.

Teenagers may not qualify for this type of rhinoplasty until they are at least of adult age. This is because reduction surgery can disrupt the natural growth that happens during maturity.

Before getting a rhinoplasty an initial consultation will help you understand if this is the right time. Skin type, history of trauma, and age are all discussed.

The First Step

The first step to getting a reduction rhinoplasty is to book an initial appointment. Surgical Images will help augment and resize your nose in exactly the right places for a natural-looking appearance. Schedule an initial consultation today with Dr. Edney and learn what to expect every step of the way.