Penile Implants And Their Complications: How Women Are Impacted



Penile implants have become a popular solution for men with erectile dysfunction who have not succeeded with other treatments. While the procedure has helped many men achieve and maintain erections, it also comes with potential women’s complaints about penile implant complications that can affect both men and their partners. The impact of penile implants on women is an often overlooked aspect of this procedure.

From physical discomfort to emotional stress, women can be significantly impacted by the complications arising from penile implant surgery.

Women are often the primary caregivers for their partners during the postoperative recovery period, and they may witness firsthand the discomfort, pain, and complications that can arise from penile implant surgery.

They may also experience emotional stress and anxiety as they support their partners through recovery. In addition, women may face changes in their sexual relationships due to the procedure, which can be challenging to navigate.

Despite the importance of understanding the impact of penile implants on women, this topic is often overlooked in discussions about the procedure. Here are the various ways that penile implants and their complications can impact women:

v Physical Discomfort And Pain During Sexual Activity

Penile implant surgery can cause discomfort and pain during sexual activity, not only for men but also for their partners.

Women may experience pain or discomfort due to the rigidity of the implant, which can make certain positions uncomfortable or even impossible.

In addition, the surgery can cause scar tissue to form, which may lead to painful intercourse. Women may also experience discomfort or pain due to the pump or reservoir implanted in the man’s body.

v Emotional Stress And Anxiety

Penile implant surgery can be emotionally stressful for both men and their partners. Women may experience anxiety or stress as they support their partners through recovery.

They may also worry about potential complications from the procedure, such as infection or implant failure.

In addition, women may feel pressure to perform sexually or to be supportive during a challenging time, which can be emotionally taxing.


v Changes In Sexual Intimacy

Penile implant surgery can lead to changes in sexual intimacy for both men and women. Women may need to adjust to the possible new sensations and positions with a penile implant.

They may also need patience as their partners adjust to the implant and learn how to use it effectively.

In addition, women may experience changes in their sexual desire or function due to the stress or anxiety associated with the procedure.

v Relationship Challenges

Penile implant surgery can create challenges for relationships. Women may feel pressure to be supportive during a difficult time, which can strain the relationship.

They may also experience a loss of intimacy or closeness due to the physical and emotional changes associated with the procedure.

In addition, women may struggle to communicate their needs and concerns with their partners, which can create further tension in the relationship.

v Impact On Daily Life

Penile implant surgery can impact daily life for both men and women. Women may need to take on additional responsibilities during recovery, such as caring for their partners or managing household tasks.

They may also need to adjust their schedules or activities to accommodate their partners’ needs. In addition, women may experience fatigue or stress as they juggle these additional responsibilities.

v Financial Burden

Penile implant surgery can be expensive, financially burdening both men and their partners. Women may need to help their partners pay for the procedure or manage the cost of postoperative care.

They may also need to adjust their finances to accommodate the expense, which can create additional stress and anxiety.

v Difficulty Communicating About The Procedure

Penile implant surgery can be a sensitive topic, and it can be difficult for couples to communicate openly about the procedure.

Women may struggle to express their concerns or fears about the surgery or be unsure how to support their partners effectively.

In addition, men may be hesitant to discuss the procedure with their partners, which can create a sense of secrecy or distance in the relationship.

v Risk Of Infection

Penile implant surgery carries a risk of infection, which can be severe and potentially life-threatening.

Women may worry about the risk of infection and need to take extra precautions to protect their partners during recovery.

They may also need to monitor their partners for signs of infection and seek medical attention if necessary.

v Implant Failure

Penile implants can fail for various reasons, such as mechanical malfunction or infection.

The emotional and physical consequences of implant failure, such as the need for additional surgery or the loss of sexual function, may impact women.

They may also need to provide additional support to their partners during recovery.


Penile implants and their potential complications can have a significant impact on women. From physical discomfort to emotional stress and relationship challenges, women may experience various difficulties as their partners undergo this procedure.

It is crucial to consider the impact of penile implants on both men and their partners to understand the benefits and risks of this treatment option fully.

Fortunately, innovative solutions, such as the ED device NeoWave, may offer a practical and less invasive alternative to traditional penile implant surgery.

By exploring acoustic wave therapy vs surgical implants treatment options and considering the impact on both partners, couples can make informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being.