Not just for the rig: 5 other awesome uses for your carport


It’s a carport, right? That means there is simply one use for it: to house your car and whatever other goods you can fit alongside it. But with today’s top quality builds this simply is not the case.

Today, these structures are multidimensional, multipurpose wonder builds that go far beyond their original capacity. And, given that top quality carport kit prices are so affordable, it’s hard to see why you wouldn’t enlist one for a couple of extra uses!

Here are five other awesome ways you can utilise a carport:

  • Workshed

Obviously, your vehicle, your tools and workspace can coexist in perfect harmony. Whether you’re an artist, carpenter, sculptor, steel worker or something completely different, this trusty structure will always provide you with a fabulous space to work alongside your vehicle (if you decide to use it for the car at all!).

The humble workshed/garage double has been a feature of Australian homes both municipal and rural for many years, and you can be sure that your home could truly benefit from one of these space-saving, home-invigorating double whammies.

  • A nursery

Whaaat? No way, who would turn their car space into a nursery? Well, if you’ve got the space, it’s entirely possible! Whilst it’s not the first thing you might think of when you consider new uses for your open garage, it’s actually one of the most practical ways to raise a nursery.

If you’ve got the space alongside your vehicle, you can easily set up great rows of raised gardens that will accommodate anything from fresh flowers to fruits and vegetables, especially those that require more shade than, say, your classic tomatoes – those sun-loving beauties might not feel the same about your outdoor garage.

  • Home office (in summer, of course!)

If you live in Australia’s balmy north, or love to work outside in the south’s toasty summers, then your carport is a fabulous place to get some sunny day work done on the laptop.

Why? Because not only can you enjoy the beauty of Australia’s gorgeous warmth, but you will also receive full shade which is great for not letting the heat make you tired and, consequently, prematurely end the workflow!

  • Home gym

Okay, maybe this is for those of you who choose a larger carport kit for your home, or don’t always use it for your car, as you will need the extra space to accommodate all that equipment, but there is possibly no better place to have a home gym than in your open air garage.

Think about it: the space is completely protected from the elements and also provides an awesome amount of shade, ensuring that you are not at risk from sunburn whilst you’re swept up in making those fantastic gains!

  • Outdoor camping space

If you live out in the country (or the city for that matter) and love nothing more than having your mates to come and stay, then the open air garage can provide a fantastic outdoor camping space that is safe from the elements.

This is especially handy in summer, when waking up in an exposed tent can feel like waking up in the stickiest, nastiest sauna you’ve experienced. Your mates will love you for it, and you’ll be stoked with the way you’ve found multiple uses for your stunning new structure.

This – and the above-listed uses – are why these structures continue to be such popular choices for any property in both the city and the country!