How has the NABERS Rating Contributed to a Greener Build Environment in Australia?

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NABERs, or National Australian Built Environment Rating System, is an agency that believes in scaling the levels of sustainability in building development.  

This agency works towards ensuring that sustainable buildings shouldn’t just be considered for a better planet but also to make the spaces healthier or happier.  

NABERS Rating: Understanding the Concept

At NABERs, the professionals provide reliable and comparable measurements of sustainability that you will be able to trust across diverse building sectors, such as shopping centres, data centres, apartments, and others.

The NABERS rating system has always been helpful for builders to drive immense returns and growth in their journey of developing properties. 

The idea behind NABERS is to drive corporate procurement by reviewing the sustainability and operational performance achievements. 

With NABERS, a building will be rated based on accurate measurement, understandability, and communication associated with the environmental capabilities of the building. 

This shall help identify the necessary areas where the costs can be saved and what future improvements can be made. 

To help you better understand the efficacy of the NABERS rating system, let’s explore how it has contributed towards a Greener Building Environment in Australia. 

What has been the Focus Point for NABERS in the Recent Times?

To ensure a greener building environment is achieved in Australia, NABERS has been implementing immense efforts by shedding light on some of the most critical areas of consideration. 

Here are some of the focus points for NABERS, where sustainability assessment is highly crucial:  

Transforming the Shopping Centres

NABERS sustainability ratings were made a priority for the shopping centres, as these were the buildings that seemed the toughest to be transformed. 

But, with the right assessments and improvements, the shopping centres are now leveraging energy efficiency as a priority. 

As per NABERS energy rating or water consumption rating in 2010, the first result was recorded at 0.9. 

Thus, it became a worrying concern for all of Australia! But over time, the building construction and renovation projects were quite dedicated towards sustainability and energy efficiency, which has helped change things for shopping centres. 

As of 2022, more than 238 shopping centers were assessed by NABERS for being rated. This was the assessment that covered almost half of all shopping centres in the country.  

The best part is the average NABERS rating on energy and other resource consumption was 4.5 stars. Thus, it is a brilliant upscale! 

As per this change recorded in the NABERS water rating and energy rating observation, it is concluded that shopping centres have reduced their consumption rate by 37% over the course of 12 years, which is quite amazing. 

Reducing The Rate of Carbon Emissions 

NABERS finds itself fortunate enough to have the capacity to work feasibly with diverse people who spend their time and efforts on promoting sustainability. 

The experts at NABERS believe that the country is walking down a very narrow path to achieving a net-zero carbon emission rating. 

NABERS rating has been a milestone for builders or property developers to ensure their construction and operational approach remains sustainable and help Australia drive growth for both the country’s economy and the planet’s nature. 

The agency has a vision to start building a tool for rating embodied carbon, which is expected to launch by the middle of 2024. 

Bottom Line

NABERS has been a significant supporter of Australia’s sustainability mission. Steady growth in terms of NABERS rating has always been a motivation to builders, property investors, and other involved stakeholders to be part of this shift that Australia is taking towards promoting sustainability.