Meta Lists 6 Culture Codes For Advertiser

Meta Lists 6 Culture Codes For Advertiser

Brands will benefit from adapting to the current culture codes identified by Facebook parent company Meta. They can stay relatable and engaging with users through adopting a more modern tone of voice, as well as following other social media platforms’ trends in content consumption patterns for greater success online!

In a recent analysis, Meta found that professionally produced content performs better than “everyday life” type videos. To make this discovery they looked at how many times people watched various types of video on social media and what ads were most likely to be clicked-in front of viewers’ eyes when there was no commercial break during playback .

The data suggests lowfi (or amateur) made youtube clips contributed greatly towards ad recall while viewing time for brands increased significantly too! One possible explanation is due simply because we’re living longer thanks smartphone technology – giving us an limitless audience available at any given moment in our lives

Brands need to understand the shifting culture of social media. In a world where people are sharing more “real life” moments, they don’t want perfection or polish from brands–in fact 79% of users feel this way about advertising on platforms like Instagram! Brands should take note and adjust their practices accordingly if they hope for success today…

#1: Real People Telling Real Stories

The market wants authenticity. Perfectionism is boring and uninteresting to target audiences, who are craving real-life stories from brands that they can relate too – employees or customers of the company showcasing their own work in an ad campaign helps foster this feeling by providing credibility as well being relatable with your audience because it gives them a personal connection which always improves customer satisfaction, you can use customer satisfaction surveys to improve customer satisfaction.

As mentioned above, having someone else tell the story brings more depth into what would otherwise just be seen through rose colored glasses; seeing flawless images doesn’t match everyday life experiences most people have

#2: Using Language Of The Platform

The reason language culture is so important has to do with reliability and recognition. Brands need both of these things in order for their target audiences will interact positively with them on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. For example: if you post something that’s funny but not exactly how someone speaks English (i’m looking at YOU!) then no one may understand what it means because they won’t know where the vernacular comes from; whereas utilizing recognized behavior across different networks instead could result into an exponentially higher level engagement rate

#3: Establishing Relationships With Creators and Influencers For Credibility

The idea behind Meta’s research was that 63% of adults 18-34 trust a creator’s point of view more than the brand itself. A reason why brands can benefit from Creator relationships has to do with context, as many times creators have been able tell stories about products in ways that customers will remember longer and be less likely not buy your product because you’re just another corporation trying sell them something they don’t want or need at all! This helps make our brands look authentic which is important these days when people are looking out for

Image credit:, screenshot taken by author, May 2022

The influencer’s voice is used in this ad to normalize the conversation about mental health by indicating that anyone can struggle with it. Whether you’re a celebrity or an athlete, everyone has experienced moments when they felt lost and struggling internally but didn’t know how else make themselves feel better besides isolating themselves from others

A message was embedded within what appears at first glance as just another fashion shoot – until we notice something isn’t quite right: There are no models present save one woman sitting off-center who seems frozencowering protectively

#4: Taking Users Behind The Scenes

The Meta culture code talks about how users are tired of seeing perfectly buttoned-up images and depictions. Perfectly polished imagery can seem unauthentic to some people, so by taking them “behind the scenes” you’re able show more true relationships with your followers (whether through posts or other means). You also have a chance at showing that it takes effort for everything not just content – this includes design aesthetic as well!

#5: Using Lo-Fi Editing Techniques

Lo-fi editing and production tools help portray a more handcrafted image, rather than the polished airbrushed look that many brands nowadays use. This also helps from an relatability standpoint because users do not want to see perfection; so if you’re new in this industry or just starting out with your own business idea there are some resources available for learning how lo-fi techniques work!

#6: Using Humor To Break Down Boundaries

Humor is a powerful tool that brands can use to make their content marketing more relatable. Brands like Charmin have found success with this by taking part in social media challenges, such as the

#DollyPartonChallenge which was going viral at one point online and made them seem friendlier than ever before!

Image credit:, screenshot taken by author, May 2022

The Chase Bank is well-known for their funny commercials. One of the most memorable ones was when they convinced people that if you use your credit card at a restaurant, then the tip would come directly to them instead! But here’s what happens in reality:

The customer doesn’t realize until later on down the line (or never) just how much money he/she has spent without even being charged yet – and now there are fees associated with taking out loans from other banks because this one tapped into someone else’s account as collateral…

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It’s always a good idea to have an emergency plan for when things go awry. Ads are no exception and should be used with caution, especially if your user base has proven sensitive about the subject matter or nature of ads in general (e-commerce).


Keeping up to date on today’s social norms and culture codes can help your brand stay relatable.

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