Message Center Number List for All Operators[2022]

airtel sms center number
airtel sms center number

When airtel users are unable to send the message, there can be many possible reasons for such an error.

Recommendation: If you want to send bulk SMS then you can use SMS API

Possible reasons for not being able to share or send Airtel SMS:

  • The most common and probable reason can be poor network connection when the network connectivity on the user’s device is low or out of reach from the nearest airtel tower it can lead to the failed SMS.
  • Another common and simple reason can be when the airtel pack purchased by the user has expired and the user failed to notice the expiration date of the pack he purchased.
  • Even with a good network connection and full airtel balance users can also not be able to send the airtel SMS because the user has the wrong message center number.

SMS(Short Message Service), is sent to the SMSC(Short Message Service Center) which further forwards the SMS sent by the user and in case the recipient is unable to receive the message SMSC will store the message until the recipient device is active again to receive SMS.

Users can set the default airtel sms center number or airtel message centre number on the device in case an issue occurs.

The airtel message centre number is +91 9895051914, users can use this number for their convenience. If this still does not work users can change their airtel service center number in the device via USSD code or Message Settings.

#Note: The airtel message centre number is different in different states.

The webfrenz website is a great website to know more about the airtel sms center number and the list of all airtel service centre number for the users’ convenience and it would be advisable that browse the webfrenz website in case users face any airtel sms issue to look for the airtel message centre number which can provide help to the concerned users.