Magnificent material: 5 reasons why acrylic is fantastic


Acrylic is, without a doubt, one of the most popular materials for home goods. Whether it’s a photo block, panel, standoff, frames or something completely different, this material comes with a range of fantastic benefits that make it so popular with homeowners.

One of the most popular items purchased with this material is the acrylic planner, a popular choice for busy people looking to organise their day without wasting all that paper!

Let’s take a look at why this material is so favourable and, consequently, why it’s such a good material for products like these:

  1. It is easy to shape

This material has become an industry favourite partly because of how easy it is to shape. Seriously, it can be moulded into any shape, with varieties including:

  • Tubes
  • Bottles
  • Figurines
  • Rods
  • Picture frames

And much more. The material will start to cool over time, thus forming a hard shape, meaning it can even be used to make skylights and bow-front aquariums. And, as it is a thermoplastic, it begins to soften when the temperature is raised and can therefore be moulded to how one desires it.

  1. It is water resistant & retains its colour

This material is tough, so tough, in fact, that it is appropriate for all kinds of conditions, including outdoor and indoor use. It is highly resistant to all kinds of weather, including hailstorms, especially considering it is tougher than glass. Of course, we don’t expect you to put your stunning new acrylic planner outside in a hailstorm, especially as this will probably wash off your plans, but we’re just saying it’s a seriously tough material that you trust will maintain its shape and colour even after hundreds (or thousands) of days of planning!

  1. It is wonderfully transparent

Acrylic planners, mounting blocks, standoff frames and more are wonderfully transparent, which ensures that your product will be of the highest quality and contain the utmost readability. After all, something with the importance of your daily planner should be simple to read, especially considering you are probably going to be using it on the regular, so ensure that it is something you have no trouble scanning over – that can be done with this awesome material.

  1. It saves paper

Because why should you have to have 365 sheets of disposable paper for every day of the year? Not only is this terrible for the environment, but it’s absolutely unnecessary and does nothing short of leave a mess around your house. Save yourself the trouble of cleaning it whilst doing a little good for the environment, too – this can be done with acrylic planners.

  1. It is extremely lightweight

Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of this material is just how lightweight it is. And, despite it being so lightweight, it is still one of the sturdiest materials going around, being much stronger than glass itself. So, with this material you have a super portable product that won’t break on the way to its destination if, for example, you ever find yourself moving house.

As you can see, there are many reasons why this material is perfect for products like the daily planner. Give up on the disposable paper business – it only serves to harm the environment and, in the long term, your wallet, and so why would you want to keep using it?

Do yourself a favour and organise your day with one of those tough-yet-lightweight gamechangers – they’ve got you covered and all planned out like it was absolutely nothing!