Interesting Facts About Marijuana That You Didn’t Know


The history of marijuana, one of the most widely used psychedelics in the world, is lengthy and fascinating. The first known usage of this plant for therapeutic purposes dates back to 500 BC. There has been a steady rise in the popularity of marijuana as a recreational substance over the past several decades.

Many nations have declared it illegal due to political pressure. Even though we don’t want to engage in a political discussion, we are awed by the widespread popularity of this drug. Even the most ardent potheads are likely to be unaware of some facts. If you like to experience some of the best Marijuana products, you should visit Giving Tree Dispensary, as they offer high-quality Marijuana products. Now let us jump to some amazing facts:

First Thing Sold Online Was Weed

Initially, you might assume that the origin of eCommerce began by selling fashion or some other fast-moving commodity. However, it’s worth noting that Stanford students sold marijuana as the first-ever online transaction back in 1971! However, others may argue that this transaction does not qualify because the Internet was only used to set up the meeting, not to make the actual purchase.

Shakespeare Was A Weed Smoker

People say that marijuana enhances creativity, and they may be right. Marijuana residue was found on many of William Shakespeare’s pipe shards during forensic testing. While this doesn’t prove he was a pothead, considering his creativity, we’d like to think so!

Icelanders Smoke The Most Marijuana

You may believe that Jamaica or the Netherlands have the most significant percentage of people who use marijuana. However, Iceland has the highest number of people who do so.

Chocolates Can Give You A Weed-Like High

Have a hard time getting your hands on some marijuana, but you want a quick fix? Instead, consider chocolates! According to studies, there are similarities between the brain responses caused by chocolate and those caused by marijuana.

Weed Was Legal Until 1985 In India

You may be astonished to learn that marijuana was sold and used openly more than 30 years ago in India. It was indeed the case that most states had their marijuana businesses. NDPS Act of 1985 prohibited it under American government pressure. Many states in the United States have legalized marijuana, but in India, it is still forbidden.

Weed Is A Harmless And Non-Addictive Substance

Marijuana is less dangerous than drinking and smoking, according to research. In addition, although tobacco has a 90% addiction rate, marijuana has a 50% addiction rate.

Death From Marijuana Overdose Is Nearly Impossible

Technically, a marijuana smoker must consume approximately 680 kg of marijuana within 15 minutes to die from it. What a lot of marijuana!

The Pigs Of Bhutan Consume Marijuana

Marijuana is more widespread in Bhutan than grass, but not many people use it there. Instead, it is often used as pig feed.

Weed Might Treat Cancer

Snuffing marijuana may be the key to finding a cure for cancer, even though smoking is deadly. According to a recent study, marijuana has the potential to slow or halt the progression of several severe forms of cancer.