Everything About Hysterosalpingography – Meaning, Process and Risk Factors


Today in this article, we are going to answer questions like these,

  • What does hysterosalpingography test cost?
  • What are the hysterosalpingography instruments used in the procedure?
  • What is a hysterosalpingography?
  • What are hysterosalpingography side effects?
  • What are hysterosalpingography indications?
  • Is hysterosalpingography painful?
  • What are hysterosalpingography indications?
  • What are hysterosalpingography side effects

At Mishka IVF, they give the best solutions for women’s infertility problems and is thebest IVF center in Jaipur. Hysterosalpingography is the procedure to get the problem diagnosed in the most accurate manner. We will try to give you insights on Hysterosalpingography. Everything that you need to know about Hysterosalpingography is here.

We can broadly divide the article into three parts:

  • Meaning and overview
  • The procedure
  • After the procedure

Hysterosalpingography, also known as Uterosalpingography is a radioscopical procedure (procedures that use X-Rays for examination are known as radioscopical procedures) used to examine the shape of the uterus.

This test uses a liquid contrast material(can be oil-based or water-based) for the examination. The radiologist or a specialized nurse can see the shape of the uterus and Fallopian tubes on the X-Ray images with the help of the liquid contrast material liquid shows the shape of the uterus on the screen.

Why is the Test Recommended?

The doctor might recommend the patient to go for hysterosalpingography if:

  • Patient has trouble getting pregnant
  • Patient has had multiple miscarriages
  • Other pregnancy problems

Hysterosalpingography can help diagnose the causes of infertility which can be:

  • Uterine fibroids
  • Uterine polyps
  • Uterine tumors
  • Scar tissues in the uterus
  • Blockage of Fallopian tubes
  • Abnormal structure of the uterus (can be acquired, can be genetic)

It can also diagnose:

  • Tubal patency (infertility and/ or following the tubal operations)
  • Malformation of the uterus in the case of recurring miscarriages in the third trimester
  • Cervical insufficiency
  • Uterine Synechiae
  • Secondary abdominal pregnancy


The radiologist puts a slender duct inside the patient’s cervix. This duct then releases an oil-based or water-based liquid contrast material that flows into the uterus. The dye in the liquid traces the shape of the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes and allows them to be visible to the radiologist or the specialised nurse on X-ray images.

Preparing for the Procedure?

Since some women find the procedure painful, the doctor might prescribe the medications for pain or, they may go for over the counter medications targeted towards pain. Medication must be taken at least an hour before the procedure. If the patient is nervous about the test, the doctor might even prescribe a sedative to help her get relaxed. An antibiotic might be prescribed to prevent infections too. The test is done only after ensuring that the patient is not pregnant. Thus, the test is conducted a few days after the menses for the month have been passed.

Since X-Ray machines are sensitive to metals, you might be asked to remove the metal objects.

What Happens During the Procedure?

The procedure is performed on an empty bladder. The patient is made to lie down in a dorsal position and an internal examination is done by the radiologist. For the clear visibility of cervix, a speculum is inserted into the vagina. The doctor might introduce local anaesthesia in the cervix to reduce the discomfort. Eventually, a cannula will be inserted into the cervix which will have about 5–10 ml of radio-opaque dye (Urografin Sodium Ditriazoate) which will flow into the uterus and the fallopian tubes.

Next, the patient is kept under an x-ray machine. The radio-opaque dye traces the outlines of the uterus and fallopian tubes on the X-Ray images. The doctor might ask the patient to move in different positions so as to get images from different angles. The patient might feel discomfort and/or cramps as the dye moves in the uterus. When the doctor is done capturing the images, he will remove the cannula and prescribe the appropriate medications for pain and/ or prevention of infection after which the patient will be discharged.

Risks in the Procedure

Though cases of complications in hysterosalpingography are very few, possible complications are:

  • Uterus injury (e.g. perforation)
  • Endometrial infection
  • Infection of the fallopian tubes
  • Allergic reaction to the liquid contrast medium
  • Contrast intravasation in veins and lymphatics
  • Vasovagal attack
  • Peritoneal Irritation
  • Pelvic pain

After the Procedure

Cramps similar to those during the menstrual cycle might occur after the procedure. Slight bleeding from the vagina or vaginal discharge can be experienced. It is suggested that the patient uses a sanitary napkin instead of a tampon to avoid the risk of infections.

Some patients experience dizziness and nausea after hysterosalpingography. Though these are normal and will go away eventually but, a patient must visit the doctor if she sees the signs of infection including but not limited to:

  • Severe cramps and pain
  • Fainting
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Vomiting
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Fever


Women must be aware of their bodies and if they find something wrong about its functioning, they must take actions to control the further spread of the complications. Hysteroscopy might be recommended if the symptoms are severe or if the doctor has doubts regarding the complications about the patient’s body. Here at Mishka IVF, we prefer not to recommend procedures or operations until we are sure the patient needs them. These complications are curable if you have the right clinic, the right doctor and the will power!

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