How To Learn Chinese Language Easily and Effectively


Learning a new language is an exciting challenge and rewarding process. If you’re thinking about learning Chinese, you are on the right track. Learning Chinese is challenging but not impossible. 

For many people, it can be challenging to learn a new language. Luckily, there are ways to make it easier and more fun. There are plenty of great online resources that make it easier to learn Chinese. It is important to find the right materials and methods to learn Chinese if you want to succeed in the long term. 

Here are some useful tips to help you learn Chinese quickly and effectively.

Learn the basics

Basic Chinese knowledge and skills are easily differentiated from one another, and we consider them to be different dimensions. The foundation for skills such as listening and speaking is basic knowledge.  Learn the basics first. That’s how to learn chinese language easily. The foundation of basic knowledge is pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. 

If you are learning Chinese for the first time, we recommend studying in the following order: pronunciation, simplified Chinese characters, listening, and grammar. The reason for studying pronunciation (how to read characters) first is that it is the most important part of the Chinese language. The intonation of a word can completely alter its meaning, even if it has the same character reading. Although you can learn it by listening to audio materials like CDs, you cannot be certain that you are pronouncing the words correctly on your own. We advise that you seek out a Chinese native to teach you how to pronounce words. Finding someone nearby who speaks Chinese well, though, is not always possible. This is where online Chinese conversation classes come in handy. The Taipei Language Institute, for example, provides an online Chinese class.  

Make vocabulary building a habit

 It is all about vocabulary when learning a foreign language. It is one factor to consider when considering how to learn chinese language easily. The greater the number of words, the easier it is to hear, understand, read, and speak. Chinese, in particular, is considered a lexical language. Grammar is not very strict and systematic, and it is preferable to increase vocabulary rather than memorize grammar in detail, which can be used in a number of ways. Make it a habit to memorize a certain amount of vocabulary each day. You can use word cards to help you memorize even if you are at work; you can do it during your break, while traveling, or in your spare time. We recommend that you take online Chinese lessons to practice pronunciation while learning Chinese vocabulary and other phrases on your own.

Watch Movies and TV Shows with subtitles

Learning how to learn chinese language easily is made simple through listening to and reading short conversations and sentences after you have mastered the pronunciation and a few simplified Chinese characters. Grammar items should not be studied alone at the start of the course, but should be absorbed naturally through reading and listening to short sentences and conversations. In other words, listen while studying simple grammar sentences. Watching Chinese dramas and movies is one way to achieve this. Chinese dramas and movies are becoming increasingly popular, especially now that they can be accessed through various streaming platforms. What’s more, most Chinese dramas and movies already have subtitles, so you won’t have any trouble understanding them. Aside from enjoying the storyline, watching Chinese dramas and movies with subtitles allows you to easily learn Chinese. Your ears will become accustomed to how the actors pronounce the words while also learning grammar from the conversation between the personalities.

A useful way to learn these three fundamentals is to memorize simple phrases. At first, this may be similar to memorization, but that is okay, so try to remember simple phrases. From Chinese dramas and movies, remember the simple phrase “you will learn”.

Remember not only to write the words you learn from watching, but also to practice your pronunciation. To become unconsciously familiar with the phrases, you must read and write repeatedly. The idea is to memorize simple phrases over and over again while practicing pronunciation and studying grammar at the same time. In addition, you can immediately use a new word in practical conversation by replacing the word in the phrase you have memorized. This is how to learn chinese language easily and gives you motivation to learn the Chinese language regularly.

Find a language partner

How to learn chinese language easily requires more than just learning the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. You must also apply what you have learned so that it is polished and not forgotten.  It’s also a good idea to brush up on your basic conversational skills with a native speaker. Not only will you learn, but you will also gain confidence in using the language as naturally as possible. You can make Chinese friends through online platforms or through someone at school or work. You can also find a language partner who is learning the language as well. Even if you are not in China or another country where the Chinese language is spoken, you can have a conversation with a partner in Chinese. Applying the language in real situations is one way to learn chinese language easily because you will become familiar with it through this method.

Use Apps To Help Learn Chinese Vocabulary

With the technology of today, we have a wide range of options for how to accomplish tasks. That also applies to how to learn chinese language easily. Many applications are now being developed to make our lives easier. You can learn Chinese just like that by using your phone or computer and searching for Chinese vocabulary and grammar applications online. If you are learning Chinese, it is convenient for you. Simply open the application on your phone and start learning whenever and wherever you want.

Summing up

It is not necessary to memorize every single word. Only those words that are essential for daily conversation, business, or other situations should be memorized. On the basis of the Chinese language examinations, a good rule of thumb is about 1,000 to 2,000 common words for Level 3 of the Chinese Language Proficiency Test and 5,000 or more for Level 6 of the HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test).