How to design a vector logo for free


Welcome to the world of designing vector logos. A vector logo is a bit different from its pixel-based counterpart, and it’s important that you know what those differences are. In this post we’ll cover all of that and more so that you can start creating your own vector logos without spending any money!

 What is a vector logo? 

A vector logo is scalable, meaning you can use it to represent any size. It’s made up of lines and curves, not pixels. You may have seen this in logos for Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop or any other program that uses graphics every time someone wants to change their business card or logo image on a website. The reason why these programs are so popular is because they create vectors—which are easier to work with than bitmaps (or raster images) because they’re created using mathematical equations instead of being stored as physical dots on your computer screen like a typical JPEG file would be. ( Read here to know How to Design a Vector Logo for Your Company)

 What is a pixel logo? 

The pixel logo is a raster image that can only be scaled up or down. Unlike vector graphics, pixel logos are not editable and cannot be resized without losing quality. Because of this, you may want to use them as a secondary logo or in situations where your primary design needs to scale well without losing its integrity.

The most common place we see pixel logos used on the web are in banner ads and popups, though they’re also used as buttons and other items on websites (such as social media icons).

 What is the difference between vector and pixel? 

Vector images are created using a mathematical formula that defines the shape of the object. The result is an object with precise lines, curves and points. Pixel images are produced by combining many dots of light into a single image.

Vector logos are used when you need to show movement or action in your design – think of a logo for an animated film or game character! They can also be used as logos for businesses that sell products like candy bars (chocolate bar), chips (pepperoni pizza) etc..

 The most popular vector formats 

The following are the most popular vector formats for logos:

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) – This format is best suited for logos that have a large scale and require high resolution. It’s also an open standard, which means it can be used by other programs in future versions of Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. Most importantly, this format can be scaled to any size without losing quality or losing any detail whatsoever!

Epson XMP – This file type allows you to create professional-looking EPS files at home on your computer without having to pay thousands of dollars for professional software like Corel Draw or Photoshop CS6+. The downside is that these types of EPS files aren’t as flexible as other types of vectors like PNGs or PDFs; however if all you need is something simple then this might just suit your needs!

 Why not use a pixel-based format? 

Pixel-based logos are not easily scalable, because the pixels are all the same size. That means you can’t use them to make a logo that’s going to be enlarged or reduced in size, or even edited at all (like changing colors).

Pixel-based icons also aren’t easily customizable — if you want to change the colors or add text, you’ll have to start from scratch using another method like vector graphics instead of pixels. And once your pixel-based icon is finished and ready for use on your website, it will probably be rotated into an orientation that doesn’t match how you intended when creating it originally!

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 What’s wrong with .jpg, .png and .gif? 

.jpg, .png and .gif are alpha-based formats. This means that the image on your website will look like it was created in a program like Photoshop or Gimp, but without any additional features or options.

In fact, if you want your logo to be searchable or printable across many platforms (like Facebook), then the quality of these formats will not work for you!

You can also see that they’re not scalable: if I were to upload an image of my dog’s face into my computer as an example of what I mean by “scalable” – then after resizing it down to 75% size on my screen it would still look blocky and pixelated because there aren’t enough pixels per square inch being used (compared with say a JPG).

 How can I design a vector logo for free? 

To design a vector logo for free, you can use one of the many popular platforms out there. Below are just a few examples:

Adobe Illustrator: This is one of the most powerful and easy-to-use image editors available. It has an extensive collection of pre-made shapes and symbols that can be quickly used to create your own designs. With this tool, it’s possible to create everything from logos to illustrations with ease!

Corel Draw X6 (PC): This software offers an excellent range of features that allow users to create professional quality documents at scale without having any prior experience in graphic design or illustration (which means no need for expensive programs).

 Choose your platform .

Before you start designing your logo, you’ll need to choose a platform. There are three main types: vector logos, raster logos and hybrid logos.

Vector logos are created using a specialized program that converts text into vector shapes and lines. They can be edited with other programs too but they look best when they’re created with this software first because it creates the most authentic, precise shapes possible.

Raster images are made up of pixels rather than vectors—they’re not as high-quality or precise as vectors but they work well enough for many uses (especially small print). If you want something more detailed than raster images offer but don’t have time or expertise in creating them yourself then consider using one of these services instead: Visme ($299), Canva ($99), 123D Design ($199)

 Use Type as Image .

If you’re looking to create a vector logo, Type as Image is the best way to do it. It’s an online tool that allows you to create your own vector graphics and then export them as images. You can use the tool to create a variety of different fonts in any color or style that you want, so if your client is looking for something specific, this might be the perfect option for them!

 Create an image using basic shapes .

The first step to designing your logo is creating an image. To do this, you’ll want to use the shape tools in your vector graphics editor. You can start by using the pen tool and drawing simple shapes on top of each other with different colors (the more complex ones will be covered later). Then, click on one of those shapes and select “edit” from its menu—this will open up an options menu where you can choose whether or not this shape should be animated when it moves around on screen.

The next thing I would suggest doing is making sure that all of these new creations have their own layer as well so that they don’t get mixed up with any other layers already created during previous steps. This way if someone needs access to one specific element within one particular document then they can just focus on working with only those elements without worrying about accidentally affecting anything else!

 There are ways to create a vector logo without having to spend money on it. 

If you’re looking to create a vector logo without paying money, there are some free online tools that can help. You can use one of these tools to convert your pixel-based logo into a vector version and then apply a few tweaks in Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop before exporting it as .PNGs.

With this method, not only do you get an amazing-looking design—but also the ability to scale it up or down without losing quality!


That’s it! If you’ve followed these steps, then your logo should be ready for use on any platform that accepts images. And if not, then maybe it’s time to invest in something more professional. We hope this article has helped a little bit – if it hasn’t, please let us know what else we can do better!