How To Choose The Right Wireless Headphones For Different Devices?

choose right wireless headphones for different devices

The choice of headphones should be approached responsibly, not focusing solely on the brand, cost, or appearance.

Such devices, and even devoid of wires, have different characteristics, and better manifest themselves in certain conditions. What works perfectly for one device may not work well for another.

Therefore, selecting accessories based on which device they will be used on is better.

Having figured out which wireless earphones would be best to choose for a particular purpose, the user will not be disappointed in their sound, ability to transmit special effects and provide comfortable wearing.

Most often in the modern world, a person contacts the phone. To be more precise, smartphones now dominate, from budget to premium.

A smartphone has become not just a means of communication, but also a tool for video communication through various applications, music, watching videos, etc. Since you can only listen to all this through a speaker at home, a headset is purchased for a smartphone.

Now, wireless technology is becoming more and more popular and is widely used in the manufacture of headphones.

Asking questions about how to choose the right wireless headphones for a smart phone, you need to pay attention to the requirements for them.

There are several main characteristics that allow you to choose wireless headphones suitable for a smartphone and even a regular phone. Namely:

  • High sound quality;
  • The presence of a microphone for communication;
  • Autonomy of at least 5 hours, and preferably about 10;
  • Wearing comfort;
  • Ease;
  • Good noise reduction and isolation;
  • Convenient management;
  • Attractive appearance.

These are in many ways the key characteristics for how to choose the right wireless headphones for yourself, which will really be good and comfortable for your phone.

The main guideline when buying a headset for a smartphone is the ability to talk freely without putting the phone to your ear. Already secondary characteristics can be called the high-quality sound of music. But the sound from the video will be displayed well almost everywhere if the headset is suitable for communication and music.

For iPhone

Apple always tries to make its devices unique and special. To a large extent, they succeed.

But here an additional problem looms for the users themselves, since you won’t be able to buy the first headphones that come across for this smart apple phone. Not all headset options on the market support iPhone.

No one wants to be limited only to the original headset. And then there is no choice. Therefore, a third-party developer had to create a special series of headphones that can interact with the iPhone. Every year there are more and more options.

The choice of headphones for the iPhone largely depends on what goals and objectives the user sets for himself. There are several options here:

  • Phone calls, conversations. In this case, you can choose a compact wireless headset that fits well in your ear and transmits sound with high quality.
  • Athletes, active people. Here, noise reduction is not paid so much attention. But ease and convenience are important. It is also worth paying attention to the tightness of the fit to the head, or the ability to stay well in the ears.
  • Music lovers. This is another category of users who need the highest quality sound. Here it is better to focus on overhead or full-size headphones. Plus, they should have good noise cancellation.

For computer

Now to the question of how to choose suitable and high-quality computer wireless headphones. Since we are talking about accessories for a computer, there are slightly different requirements.

A person spends time at the computer, working, playing games, listening to music, or creating musical compositions with his own hands. Putting on headphones, it is important to abstract from what is happening around, to immerse yourself in the computer world, to concentrate.

With regard to computer headphones , several basic selection criteria can be presented.

  • Sensitivity. This is the ratio between signal and noise. The higher it is, the cleaner the final sound will be. Focus on numbers of at least 100 dB.
  • Frequency range. At a young age, a person is able to perceive sound at a frequency of 16 Hz to 20 kHz. After the age of 40, the range changes from 22 Hz to 12 kHz. If conversational headphones are chosen, then the upper limit of 10 to 12 kHz can be dispensed with. But in the case of a computer, this is not the best solution.
  • Resistance. Some people think that low-impedance headphones have a high volume, while high-impedance headphones have a low volume. This is not entirely true. Clear standardization does not exist in this regard. It is better to focus on resistance. The higher it is, the lower the sensitivity will be in relation to the voltage. This rule also works in reverse. Just remember that high-resistance models will consume more power.
  • Autonomy. Be sure to check out this feature. It can be literally 3-4 hours, or more than a day. It is only important that the declared characteristics correspond to reality.
  • Microphone. If you are a gamer, or communicate using a computer via Skype, then you can’t do without a built-in microphone.

Choose the shape, size and design strictly according to your needs and wishes. There are no universal and suitable options for all.