How to buy a domain name: domain registration guide!

 buy a domain

Starting a blog seems to be an easy task. But there is some prerequisite that one needs to follow. Likewise, a blogger needs to follow the steps to buy a domain and then do the registration.

If you are buying a domain name for the very first time, there is a possibility that you have no clue how to get it. Well, this domain registration guide will help you to know about it in detail. Keep reading till the last to know about it. I was also stuck in the same situation, and that’s why I thought of creating this blog for you all!

Understanding about the domain name:

A domain name is a string helpful in identifying a realm of administrative autonomy or control within the internet. There are unique domain names available for every business so that people can easily distinguish between the portal and get into the same portal right away. 

Types of domains:

In general, people usually choose second-level domains and top-level domains. These are as follows:

  • Second level domains (SLDs):

Second level domains (SLDs) are basically the unique name that you are choosing to represent your company. For example, if you are establishing a PQRS brand, there is a possibility that you want PQRS as the parent name in the domain name as well. After it, you need to choose the extension that is part of a top-level domain.

  • Top-level domains (TLD):

Top-level domains (TLDs) are the domain extensions, and these are a series of letters that appear at the right of the SLD after the dot. There are different types of top-level domain available including .com, .net, .org, .gov, .mil, and .edu. As per the subject in which a person is creating the blog, they can choose the top-level domain.

How much does a domain name cost?

Whenever you move ahead to buy a domain and consider domain registration understand there is a particular amount you need to pay for it. It entirely depends on the plan you are choosing and the service provider as well.

In case the service provider has domain options available at reasonable prices, then it will not turn out to be expensive. But if vice versa is true, then it can be an expensive affair.

Apart from it, there are certain domains that are expensive because of their availability and other factors. It is totally on you which one you choose. 

How to do the domain name?

Whenever it is about choosing a domain name for domain registration, I suggest you that make it brandable and not too generic. Always choose the right domain extension as well because this is the representation of your brand, and you cannot compromise with it.

Along with that, try to choose those domains that are easy to recognize, and people can understand by word of mouth.

This is about the process that you can follow to buy a domain and for registration as well. Whenever you are done with buying a domain, the domain registration window will appear, and you can do it easily. Well, I suggest you, instead of doing it on your own, approach some web hosting provider around. I have approached a PD HOSTING, and they have helped me at every step. You can get in touch with them and get the services! 

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