How Long Does It take to unfreeze A Central AC Unit

AC Unit

If the temperature is above freezing, you could see your unit defrost in just as 12 hours. If you notice water pooling around the air conditioning unit after melting the ice, you might want to safeguard the floor using a few sheets so that it doesn’t get damaged.

If, after a period of twenty-four hours, your air conditioner has not yet thawed, it is necessary to call in the professionals. For more information about how long does it take to unfreeze a central AC unit pay a visit to

1.    Disengage The Air Conditioning System:

In you can see that the air conditioner has frozen over, the very first thing you should do is turn it off. Running an air conditioner that is frozen might cause damage to the most costly component, which will result in an expensive repair bill.

The majority of people just turn off the power by flipping the switch on the control panel and the thermostat; however it is better to turn it down at the breaker. Because of this, further cooling will not be able to take place, and the evaporator coils will have more time to warm up and melt the ice.

2.    Apply Some Heat:

Turning off the air conditioner won’t be adequate to speed up the ice melting process, as was previously mentioned. Before it’s warm and comfortable, it may take a little over a day. If you apply heat to the ice, it will melt more quickly.

3.    Heat the Evaporator Coils:

By holding a blow dryer set to low at least 10 inches away from them. Evaporator coil can be damaged by heat, therefore avoid increasing the temperature or getting closer than 10 inches. All the frozen material will melt if you just hold the hair dryer on it for around 15 minutes.

Caution dictates that alternative heat sources, such as a propane torch and lamp, be avoided lest they cause harm to the apparatus. Only because it produces only hot air and not direct flame may a blow dryer be used on the lowest possible setting without risk.

4.    Put on the A/C or Fan:

Turn on the air conditioner to ‘fan only’ mode once the ice has melted. Drying out the entire air conditioner is accomplished by the fan’s warm air intake. Once the ice melts, any remaining moisture inside will evaporate. If you turn on an air conditioner that still has wetness in it, it will instantly freeze again.

5.    Substitute the Air Filter:

Changing the air filter is another method of defrosting an air conditioner. If the air filter in your air conditioner is dirty, it won’t be able to pull in enough hot air to cool the room. More and more frost forms as the temperature inside the unit drops. You should wait around 24 hours after changing the air filter for the frozen material to melt before turning on the air conditioner again.

6.    Substitute the Coolant:

A home’s cooling system relies on coolant to remove excess heat from the interior and release it outdoors. Low coolant levels might cause your air conditioner to run at low pressure, which can cause your home to be too cold and produce icing. Replacing your coolant and fixing any coolant leaks is one way to fix AC icing.

It’s not enough to simply remove the frosting; you must also fix the underlying problems. If you notice frosting, inspect the coils or drains for any leaks or cracks that could cause excess moisture in the air. Your air conditioner will keep freezing up unless you fix the underlying issue.

7.    Inspect the Draining Components:

The melted ice runs into a white PVC drain line and eventually the outside by a condensate drain pan. When the AC hasn’t been cleaned in a while, mold can grow inside the unit, and unclean water can clog the condensate drain line. When this occurs, water will drip down the drain pan but will be unable to exit the fixture due to the clog.

The result is an overflow, which can cause problems with the air conditioner’s components or cause the system to freeze up again. If you melt the ice, water will seep around your air conditioner, or you may see water marks on the ceiling, both of which are signs that the pipe is clogged. You’ll need to attach an industrial vacuum to the exterior condensate draining line, turn it on, and leave it running for two minutes. Any obstruction in the drain will be removed by the suction of the vacuum. Another option is to use a high-pressure hose to flush out the condensate drain.