When users need email services temporarily or for a short-term period, they go for email that doesn’t require phone number verification. Many email services provide free registration and can also be used for other purposes as well.
Given below is the list of types of emails that provide email without phone verification are:
Using mail.com is simple and renowned for services such as email that doesn’t require phone number. Users simply need to enter details such as username & password and registered and active email address.
Tutanota has been a great email service provider when it comes to email without phone verification as it is easy to use and it’s free.
3. Yandex Mail
The email that doesn’t require phone number are not mainly preferred by users as it is assumed that these email services are not secure but Yandex Mail is a secure account with good storage space.
It can be operated on all devices, Android as well as iOS with great capacity of storage space.
5. Protonmail
Protonmail is one of the best email services for email that doesn’t require phone number with well-defined security with remarkable quality of email services.
Some of the other similar email-providing services are Inbox.lv, Tempmail, Mailinator, Protonmail.com, MAILNESIA, and many more.
OnlineHubb is a great website for users to stream about operating an email that doesn’t require phone number or sending and receiving email without phone verification with details of such email services.