Extra long tie for plus-size men


If you’re one of the more prominent men and tend to wear ties that are a little too short or just generally uncomfortable, then it might be time to invest in an extra-long tie. These ties are designed specifically for plus-size men and can make a big difference in how your look wearing them.

What is a long tie?

A long tie is a type of neckwear typically worn by men over six feet tall. It is also known as a Windsor tie. It is named after the Duke of Windsor, known for wearing them. A long tie can be made from any fabric, typically from a sturdy material such as cotton or wool.

A long tie can be versatile and worn in many different ways. For example, it can make a bowtie look more formal or as part of a more casual outfit. It can also be used as part of a costume for a specific event.

If you are looking for something different to wear, then a long tie may be the perfect option for you.

Why do men like extra-long ties?

There are a few reasons why men like an extra-long vest with a tie. For one, men feel more confident when they have a longer tie. It gives them the appearance of being taller and stronger. Plus, extra-long ties are often considered stylish and timeless. They can be worn with almost any outfit, no matter the season. Additionally, they can add a bit of mystery to an outfit, making you appear more mysterious and exciting than you might be. Finally, extra long ties make it easy to knot them quickly and easily, which is essential when you’re in a hurry!

How to tie a long tie the right way

Tying a tie is often seen as a daunting task for men who are not used to it. However, with some practice, you can quickly learn how to tie a long tie correctly. Here are four tips on how to do it:

  1. Start by threading the tie around your neck once. Make sure that the ends of the tie are even and that the knot is in the middle of your collarbone.
  2. Next, take the left end of the tie and make a loop with it. Make sure this loop is big enough to go around your neck twice.
  3. Please take the right end of the tie and make a loop with it too. Now, make sure that these loops are facing opposite directions from each other.
  4. Finally, please make a small knot between these two loops, ensuring that it’s tight but not so tight that it cuts off circulation to your neck.

What are the best ways to wear a long tie?

Extra long ties are significant for plus-size men. There are many ways to wear a long tie; each one can look different and stylish. Here are four ways to wear a long tie that will look great on any man:

  1. Tie it around your neck like a collar. This is the most traditional way to wear a long tie, which can look formal or casual.
  2. Tie it in a knot at your chest. This is another traditional way to wear a long tie, which can be more formal or dressy.
  3. Tie it in a knot at your waist. This is a more modern way to wear a long tie, which can be more casual or stylish.
  4. Wear it over your shoulder like a scarf. This is the most versatile way to wear a long tie, which can be more formal or casual.


If you’re looking for an extra-long tie that will look great on men of all sizes, check out our selection of vests with ties designed to be extra long. We have something for everyone with ties that come in lengths of 58 inches and beyond. Whether you need a basic tie that you can customize to fit your style or something more intricate and stylish, we’ve got the perfect tie for you. Plus, all our ties are made from high-quality materials to last longer than most standard neckties.