In recent years, stories about a medication called delta-8 may have caught your attention. In the United States, searches for the term “legalize marijuana” on Google increased by more than 850% between 2020 and 2021, especially in regions where recreational marijuana use is prohibited by law. One study found that 16% of chronic marijuana users also used delta-8.
This trendiest thing in the cannabis industry provides a legal high that is less psychoactive than its counterpart but still effective in relieving stress and pain.
Recognizing the popularity of delta-8, many brands are selling their products, such as Cake Carts, 3 chi Delta 8 Disposable, Kik D8 Disposable Vape, and many others. Let’s move into the depth of Delta-8 and its use.
About Delta-8
By definition, delta-8 refers to delta-8-THC, the main psychoactive component of marijuana.
Delta-9-THC, the predominant type of Cbd in cannabis strains, is chemically very similar to delta-8-THC. Due to the similarities between the two molecules, the biological effects of delta-8 and delta-9 are virtually identical. Most importantly, they both attach to the same brain receptors, specifically the cannabinoid type 1 receptor, responsible for the high you feel when smoking a joint or eating a cannabis gummy.
Though studies show that both delta-8 and delta-9 bind to the CB1 receptor, the latter has a stronger connection, allowing it to exert a more potent effect.
According to some experts in pharmacology consulting firms specializing in cannabis-based medications, “delta-8-THC is less effective than delta-9-THC.” Giving a greater dose of delta-8-THC is required to provide the identical effect as delta-9-THC.
What is the reason for its popularity?
Consumers who tried both delta-9-THC and delta-8 said that the latter left them feeling more relaxed and happy, while the former left them feeling less paranoid and agitated. Delta-8 users typically report feelings of calm, exhilaration, and pain alleviation. Concentration issues, memory loss, and a skewed perception of time were reported; however, they are significantly lower than with traditional marijuana use.
Delta-8 was perceived as less severe than delta-9 when the users were asked to compare the two. When asked about the difference between delta-8 and delta-9, they said, “On delta-8, I can utilize it and still get everything done, but on delta-9, I get couch lock and don’t feel like doing anything.”
This popularity is encouraging cannabis companies to develop different types of products. The market currently has various unique products like the Cake 1010 kit and a number of gummies and other edibles for long-lasting effects.
The legal status of Delta 8
One of the main draws of delta-8 is the supposedly less intense high it produces. The other aspect is the legitimacy of the organization.
Just after the 2018 Farm Bill was signed into law, the demand for Delta-8 increased. Hemp and marijuana are similar to two types of tomato plants; one sort of tomato could make you high.
Hemp with less than 0.3% THC is lawful to cultivate following the Farm Bill. However, Penn State professor of pharmacology Kent Vrana pointed out that the bill’s writers made a mistake by defining THC as delta-9-THC, which remains prohibited at the federal level. As a result of this clarification, the delta-8 industry was able to begin functioning as a viable business.
Although delta-8-THC is only present in extremely low concentrations in hemp and marijuana leaves, its production has been commercialized thanks to the discovery of a method to isolate CBD, another prominent cannabinoid found in cannabis. They argue that since CBD is allowed and hemp plants contain high concentrations of CBD, delta-8 must also be legal.
Wrapping Up
Being a beginner, if you want to use Delta 8, you can start your journey with some of the popular products like Cake carts, 3Chi Disposable, and various types of edible products as well. Make sure that you start with less amount to eliminate any potential side-effects or overdosing. You can also read about the products’ specifications before consuming them.