Evaluating Your Own Unhealthy Tendencies With Premarital Counseling In OKC


Growing up in a broken home, with divorced parents, with live-in relationships without commitment, with parents struggling to stay together or with parents failing to provide for their children are unfortunate realities of our world. All these situations leave a long-lasting, negative impact on the lives of the children growing amidst them. Therefore, going through premarital counseling in Oklahoma City with a premarital counselor in OKC from Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies before you get married is so vital to a healthy, happy marriage.

A couple getting married may exclaim, “I’m not going to have a marriage like that,” or “I’m not ever going to do it that way.” They think that verbalizing this to their premarital counselor in OKC might be the best solution for a happy life. But one must understand that saying things aloud – even in premarital counseling in OKC or sheer power is not sufficient to keep your marriage away from hitting the rocky shores.

Every married couple, at some point in their lives, hits an especially rough patch. Any premarital counselor in Oklahoma City will readily tell you that this is completely normal, and natural. Likewise, every couple needs to know that it is okay and preferable for a couple that is struggling to seek out help from a minister in OKC or a premarital counselor in Oklahoma City to help guide them through the premarital counseling in Oklahoma and marriage counseling in OKC process.

Seeking out premarital counseling in OKC via a premarital counselor in Oklahoma in no way makes a person or couple “weak” or “bad.” Only the wise and happy seek out the help of others when they need it most. Likewise, the foolish pretend they can do everything on their own – without premarital counseling in OKC with a premarital counselor in OKC OK – and end up miserable and often divorced. Please do not let this happen to you!

Set yourself up to succeed! Take the initiative and seek out premarital counseling in OKC with Dr. Makayla Saramosing, a premarital counselor in Oklahoma at Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies who provides premarital counseling in OKC to explore the awareness of what might have gone wrong for others so that it may not be the case for you! Your premarital counselor in Edmond, Oklahoma will take great care to carefully guide you through the premarital counseling process. Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies will assist you with identifying unhealthy tendencies and perspectives on marriage that can help you avoid falling into the pattern to divorce.

Evaluation of Your Own Preconceived Ideas and Expectations with Premarital Counseling in OKC with a Premarital Counselor in Oklahoma City

Every individual has had a different and unique life. Everyone’s own life is an adventure, where they grow, change, and evolve with the passage of time. The physical, mental, spiritual, and sexual needs not only differ individually, but keep on evolving. Consequently, an individual expects its spouse to have similar perceptions, sensitivities, and choices on the matters of physical, mental, spiritual, and sexual needs. Most of the time, conflict and disagreement arises when the “soul-mate,” and “the partner” who is by your side throughout your life, has a different or opposite preferences, perception, and insights on doing things.

The problem arises when one individual thinks of their perceptions, preferences, and sensitivities to be the RIGHT WAY, because they perceive that as the normal way, the way they did things when growing up. However, the biggest problems arise, when the two individuals disagree on what the “right way” is and/or when their toxic patterns of behaviour come up; it can spark enormous flames that can turn into a ranging fire that completely engulfs the couple’s relationship and can also negatively affect the lives of those around them. This is where a premarital counselor in OKC from Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies can help you with premarital counseling services in OKC.

Some couples rush into marriage with expectations of which they are not even aware. The couples are not aware of their expectations from their partners until they are married and living together as spouse and spouse. Evaluating these expectations and the subsequent anticipation from your partner is particularly important if you are marrying interfaith or intercultural, or when the choice of your spouse (i.e., same sex, transgender, etc., +) is not something your birth family approves of. Of course, there is no valid reason someone should *not* have a marriage that is interfaith, intercultural, or LGBTQIA+, as a decent, moral premarital counselor in OKC will tell you.

Receiving training from Dr. Makayla Saramosing, Reverend Glenna Sue Voegle and other premarital counselors with Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies can guide the couple in identifying perceived expectations and the sensitive areas, which are the cause of the conflict.