Do bananas help Erectile Dysfunction?


As we all know, regular consumption of fruits improves our overall health. Most of us take Banana every day. It has something unique in this fruit that allows you to get a hard erection when you are in bed. So it helps to cure erectile dysfunction and impotence. To know why and how this fruit helps, you need to know the nutritional value of bananas.

Nutritional value of bananas

Many people eat bananas because they are delicious. Containing different essential nutrients, it is extremely healthy. There are different types of bananas available. But the Cavendish type is most healthy. First, it looks green, but it becomes yellow with black patches after some days.

A medium-sized Cavendish banana has 23 grams of carbohydrates, 2.6 grams of fiber, and some fatty acids and protein. 

Bananas are packed with different nutrients including antioxidants, flavonoids, tryptophan, vitamins-B, potassium. All these ingredients will help you get Cenforce Blue Pill enough erection. So, bananas remove erectile dysfunction impotence by helping to achieve enough erection.


Bananas help to get enough erection:

Banana works excellently in removing erectile dysfunction because it contains Brome lay, which helps increase men’s libido. Various types of research prove the presence of cysteine protease inhibitors in bananas, which inhibit the action of Brome lain, papain, fiction, and other enzymes in the intestine. Many people think that bananas contain Brome lain, but it is a myth.

Bananas are effective in treating the erectile dysfunction

If you prefer a healthy diet, you have to keep bananas on your diet chart; the fruit can work excellently. It contains different ingredients such as antioxidants, tryptophan, flavonoids, potassium, vitamin B, etc. 


An antioxidant is a substance that helps to decrease oxidative stress and allows all your body organs to work actively. It prevents the transmission of atherosclerosis in the blood vessels of the penis; as a result, blood vessels are not damaged. Antioxidants also prevent the formation of fat in the blood, which this substance increases the blood flow in the arteries. So helps to cure erectile dysfunction and impotence.


Flavonoids are substances that have many benefits. This substance is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. So doctors recommend eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Various studies have shown that consuming large amounts of flavonoids reduces the likelihood of erectile problems.


Various researches have shown that tryptophan is a precursor to dopamine, which helps the user maintain a healthy mood and body. It helps to get a Fildena Purple Pill proper erection during sexual intercourse, as well as helps to maintain a proper mood during this time. So this ingredient helps to reduce the possible causes of erectile dysfunction.


Another ingredient in bananas is potassium. Therefore, if the amount of potassium in someone’s body is reduced, he advises eating bananas. Also, this mineral helps in maintaining proper blood flow as a result. Blood pressure is also controlled through this. So potassium is directly responsible for curing erectile dysfunction.

Folic acid and B Vitamins

Many times, Viagra or PDE5 inhibitors do work in the treatment Vidalista Weekend Pill of erectile dysfunction. In this case, metabolic problems interfere with getting an erection.

If you suffer from this problem, taking folic acid and vitamin B6 regularly can solve this problem. Both these elements are present in bananas. So if you are suffering from this problem, keep bananas in your diet daily.

Why banana is highly effective in treating the erectile dysfunction

Here is how this fruit can make you a pro in bed.

  • Increases the testosterone level

Rich in potassium, bananas are highly effective in increasing the production of the testosterone hormone in men. It naturally produces sex hormone, can improve your libido, and help you to achieve satisfying sex by help staying longer in bed. 

  • Improves Sperm Count

Having some essential vitamins such A, B1, and C, the fruit can boost the production of sperm. It also contains Brome lain, a natural produce enzyme that increase the sperm count.

  • Improves Libido & Mood

Bananas are beneficial in terms of sex benefits for men. Also, this fruit is full of nutrients and relieves many other physical problems.

Potassium present in this fruit plays a significant role in increasing the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. So it helps to improve libido and get satisfying sex. Tryptophan, another component of bananas, increases the body’s production of the hormone serotonin, which improves arousal and mood during sex.

The minerals manganese and magnesium present in bananas improve the health of the prostate and other sexual organs. So with erectile dysfunction, a banana can works effectively as a natural remedy in treating the problem.

  • They improve your energy level.

Bananas are a great source of carbohydrates, which boost the body’s energy levels. So, the dietician advises eating a banana before doing any workout. Also, this fruit helps to increase blood circulation in the genitals. So it helps to improve libido and have great sex.

  • They improve prostrate function.

Rich with two essential minerals, manganese and magnesium, banana helps to improve the sexual health of men. Different research shows these two minerals are extremely effective in improving the prostate and other reproductive organs’ health. So the functions of these organs become optimum by taking the minerals. 

  • Heart Healthy

Bananas have potassium, magnesium, and vitamin. All these ingredients support your overall health. After taking the fruit for a few days daily, your heart health can be boosted because potassium and sodium may reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems.