Did Burt Reynolds wear a toupee?



Burt Reynolds is an American actor, producer, and director. He is known for his distinctive good looks and charismatic personality. 

In his career spanning over 50 years, he has appeared in more than 70 films. 

One of his most iconic roles was that of “Boogie Nights” protagonist Jack Horner in Paul Thomas Anderson’s 1997 film Boogie Nights. 

However, many people were skeptical about whether he wore a toupee when playing this role because there were no photos from that time showing him without hair on top of his head.

The Burt Reynolds Stroke

Burt Reynolds is a very good actor, so it’s no surprise that he would be able to play himself in a movie. 

He was 73 years old when he suffered the stroke and has been recovering since then.

If you watch any of his movies or interviews, you can see how much he knows about acting and performing. 

This is because, before getting his first important acting job on Broadway in “Golden Boy” during World War II, he enrolled in the New York City-based American Academy of Dramatic Arts when he was 17.

The Burt Reynolds Hairpiece

If you’re talking about the Burt Reynolds hairpiece, it’s important to understand that he wore it in his films. 

The reason for this is simple: he had cancer and needed to ensure that his hair would look good when filming movies.

Many people also said at the time that he had a wig on set because they feared that if they took off his toupee during filming, it would cause him to lose all of his hair. 

This could also explain why there are so many photos of him without any makeup around this period.

The Burt Reynolds Toupee

Burt Reynolds was an American actor who appeared in several Hollywood films, including “Smokey and the Bandit,” and “The Longest Yard.” 

He also starred in TV shows like “The Bionic Woman,” “Too Close For Comfort,” “Gunsmoke,” and many more.

In his later years, Burt Reynolds had to wear a prosthetic beard because of skin cancer. 

This led him to believe that he also needed to maintain his real-life appearance by wearing wigs or hairpieces on set.

The Burt Reynolds Wig

A toupee, also known as a hairpiece, is a piece of human hair glued onto the head. It’s commonly used in wigs and hairpieces.

A rug is an artificial replacement for natural skin tones; it typically has no scalp or eyebrows because it covers these areas completely.

A wig covers all parts of the head except for two or three inches above the eyebrows and forehead. 

Men or women may wear this type of wig because they provide extra coverage to prevent people from seeing what lies under their hairline.

The Burt Reynolds Rug

The Burt Reynolds Rug is a very popular topic you can discuss with friends and family.

The Burt Reynolds Rug is a big part of his life, so everyone will want to know more about it.

You can tell by looking at his hairline that he didn’t wear a toupee because there’s no way he could have without having been bald for years beforehand.

He was one of the most handsome men ever, so if you talk about him as an actor or celebrity icon, this should be one of your first topics.

The Boogie Nights Hairpiece

When Burt Reynolds first appeared on the big screen, you may have been surprised to see him without any hair. 

The reason was that he had a wig, rug, or some other hairpiece in his place.

Burt was one of those actors known for wearing wigs or other pieces on their heads so they could change their appearance during filming. 

This is because these items are easy to put on and take off between takes, making them perfect for actors who need to get into character quickly while shooting a movie.

The Bandit’s Toupee

The Bandit is a 1972 action film starring Burt Reynolds and directed by Hal Needham. 

The film features an important scene in which Burt’s character disguises himself as Elvis Presley. In this scene, we see how much effort went into creating his toupee:

The hairpiece was made from real human hair and used makeup to cover it. 

The wig maker who worked with Elvis Presley created this piece for Burt Reynolds’ character because he wanted him to look like his idol but not too much like him.

The Deliverance Wig

The Deliverance wig, now on display at the Smithsonian Institute, was made by a wig maker in Hong Kong. 

Burt Reynolds wore the hairpiece in the movie Deliverance, and it’s been described as one of his most iconic roles.

The story goes that director John Boorman wanted to wear a wig during filming but decided against it after seeing how much his co-stars liked him without one. 

After the day’s shooting, he returned to his hotel room and discovered that he could not rise from his bed without hurting anything or someone.

“You know what? I’m going home,” he said before leaving with an empty suitcase and no intention of returning until morning came around again.”

The Gator Rug

The Gator Rug is a toupee Burt Reynolds wore in the movie Deliverance. It was made from human hair and cost around $1,000 when Reynolds purchased it. 

The reason for wearing it? He was trying to look like John Wayne, whose custom-made hairpiece was also made from human hair.

He didn’t wear it very long; he only needed something to keep him going until the first week of filming if he wanted some of those larger-than-life roles coming down his pike.

This could be why many people think this was an example of vanity, though we know better now than ever, thanks to social media.

The Smokey and the Bandit Hairpiece

The toupee was made by ToupeeBusters, which is still in business today. 

It’s a popular company because it makes hairpieces for men who want to look like Burt Reynolds but don’t want to spend all their money on an actual toupee as he did. 

The Smokey and the Bandit Hairpiece has two parts: one piece of human hair from Mary and another piece of synthetic fiber that acts as an attachment point between the two pieces of human hair. 

The synthetic fiber makes it easier for people to wear a wig because they don’t have to worry about their natural locks breaking under pressure or getting wrapped around their faces during sleep.


Now that you’ve learned about all the different hairstyles Burt Reynolds has worn, it’s time to make your own decision. 

The most crucial factor is that you are at ease in your flesh.

If you choose to wear a hairpiece, try out several looks until you discover one that complements your face shape and personality.
