What is the CA Final Pass Percentage for December 2021

ca final pass percentage

The ICAI releases the CA Final pass percentage on the official website after releasing the result for the respective session. The pass percentage for CA Final 2021 will contain information such as the number of candidates who appeared in the exam, the number of candidates who passed the exam, and the pass percentage. The pass percentage and the CA Final Result for both the courses of December 2021 will be released by the 13th of February by ICAI. This is a tentative date that the officials have not confirmed yet.

The pass percentage and result for both courses of the CA Final July 2021 session were released by ICAI on the official website. The overall pass percentage for the July session was 11.97 % for the new course and 1.57% for the old course mnsud2l. The result and the pass percentage were declared in the online mode. Let us learn more about the CA Final pass percentage, how to see the result and all the essential information.

Let us begin with the previous session’s pass percentage, which was July 2021.

CA Final Pass Percentage July 2021(New Course)

Candidates applied for Appeared Passed Pass %
CA Final Group I 49358 9986 20.23%
CA Final Group-II 42203 7328 17.36%
CA Final Both Groups 23981 2870 11.97%
CA Final New Course Pass Percentage July 2021

CA Final Pass Percentage July 2021(Old Course)

Candidates applied for Appeared Passed Pass %
CA Final Group I 12556 1348 10.74%
CA Final Group-II 17044 2194 12.87%
CA Final Both Groups 3949 62 1.57%
CA Final Old Course Pass Percentage July 2021

Steps to Download the CA Final Result 2021

If you are also eagerly waiting for the CA Final pass percentage for December 2021, then you must be aware of the steps to get the results. So, whenever ICAI releases the result, you can easily watch yours. So, follow the given steps to get your results,

  • Go to the officail site of ICAI abd click on the result link.
  • Now, select the CA Final course that you opted for i.e. either New or Old.
  • Enter your registration number and the hall ticket number.
  • Verify the captcha given on the screen
  • Finally, click on the submit option.
  • Your CA Final December 2021 result will be visible in the screen.
  • Download your result and keep it for future uses.

Also, ICAI allows the students to reach their results via SMS or email facility. This mode can also be adopted by the students instantly after ICAI declares the results.

Also Check: CA Intermediate Study Material

Details in CA Final Result

Once the students gate their result for CA Final Exam, they must crosscheck some important information and details in the results. So, whenever you get your CA Final Result of December 2021, make sure to check the following details,

  • Candidates’s Name
  • Roll number of the candidate must match with that in the hall ticket.
  • Marks for individual subjects both in group 1 and group 2.
  • Total marks obtained in Group 1 and Group 2.
  • The passing status (pass or failed)
  • Grand total in the entire exam including both groups.

If you find any correction is required in the result, contact the ICAI.

CA Final Merit List 2021

ICAI releases the CA final result and the merit list together online. Student can check their result first then, after confirming the passing status, can check the merit list by entering the registration number.

The merit list of the CA final December 2021 session will include the list of the top 50 candidates or the rank holders. The list of the rank holders includes the candidates who score more than 55 % in the exam. If you want to access the merit list for the December 2021 result, follow the given steps.

  • Go to the official website of ICAI or check the ICAI December 2021 Result.
  • Now, click on the merit list option.
  • Click on the CA Final Merit List.
  • Enter your registration number and the security code.
  • If you are in the merit list of the December 2021 CA Final result then the merit list will appear on your screen.

CA Final Passing Criteria

As per the passing criteria released by ICAI on the official site, the candidates must secure a minimum of 40 percent marks in each subject and 50 percent marks in either group. For example, even if you score 50 percent in total but fail to obtain 40 percent even in one subject, you won’t be able to pass the exam. Similarly, if you have secured a minimum of 40 percent in all subjects and fail to obtain a total of 50 percent, then you won’t pass the exam. For the students who appear in both groups at once, the total of both groups will be considered for a minimum of 50 percent criteria. Go through the following table for further details.

CA Final Subjects (Total 8) Individual Subject Marks Overall Qualifying Percentage
Group I / Group II Both Groups
Paper 1- Financial Reporting 40% 50% 50%
Paper 2- Strategic Financial Management 40%
Paper 3- Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics 40%
Paper 4- Corporate and Allied Laws 40%
Paper 5- Advanced Management Accounting 40% 50%
Paper 6- Information Systems Control and Audit 40%
Paper 7- Direct Tax Laws 40%
Paper 8- Indirect Tax Laws 40%
Passing Criteria for CA Final December 2021

CA Final 2021 Pass Certificate

Once you qualify for the CA Final December 2021 exam for both groups, you will be offered the passed certificates from ICAI. But make sure you need to pass both groups to get the pass certificate. For this, you can pass each group either group-wise or in combined form. Within 60 days of the result announcement, you get your Pass certificate.


Therefore, the students who appeared in the CA Final December 2021 exam need to wait for more than 10 to 20 days for their results. The pass percentage for December 2021 will be released along with the CA Final result. Students can refer to the above-mentioned steps to view the CA Final results and the pass percentage. In case of any corrections, the students need to contact ICAI directly. So, this was all about the result. Also, if you have passed the exam, make sure to follow the post results steps and get your ICAI membership number.