Avoid These Dangerous Candle Habits


Candles are a beautiful way to add ambience to any room, but if you’re not careful, they can also be dangerous. In this short guide, we want to discuss some of the most common candle habits that can lead to fires and other accidents. If you’re not sure about how to stay safe with candles, keep reading.

Not Extinguishing Before Bed

One of the most dangerous things you can do is leave a candle burning overnight. If you fall asleep with a lit candle in your room, there’s a very real danger of the candle starting a fire. Make sure to extinguish all candles before you go to bed, and never leave them unattended. Especially if your candle is close to your pillows or duvet, it’s just not worth the risk.

Placing Candles Near Flammable Objects

Unsurprisingly, another hazard to watch out for is placing candles too close to flammable objects. This includes things like curtains, clothes, papers, and books. If the flame of your candle comes into contact with any of these things, it could easily start a fire. So, be sure to keep candles away from anything that could potentially catch fire.

Not Trimming the Wick

When you first light a candle, the flame will be quite large. However, as the candle starts to burn, the flame will begin to get smaller. If you don’t trim the wick of the candle, it will eventually start to smoke. Not only is this a fire hazard, but it can also be a health hazard, as the smoke from candles can contain harmful chemicals.

Leaving Candles Unattended

As well as not going to bed, you also shouldn’t leave your home (even if only for a few minutes!) with candles burning. If you do, there’s a risk that the candle could tip over and start a fire. Even if you have your candles in a safe holder, it’s still best to blow them out before you leave the room. Unfortunately, many people regret taking this risk. Although it sounds unlikely now, anything could cause problems for your candle including wind blowing through the window, pets, etc.

Burning Candles for Too Long

When you light a candle, the flame starts to heat the wax around it. If you buy scented candles, this causes the fragrance of the candle to be released into the air. However, if you leave a candle burning for too long, the heat from the flame can start to degrade the quality of the wax, which can release harmful chemicals into the air.

For this reason, it’s important to only burn your candles for a few hours at a time. If you want to make your candles last longer, try using a timer so that they automatically turn off after a certain amount of time.

Carrying Candles Around the Home

Of course, candles are meant to be portable so that you can enjoy their fragrance in any room of your home. However, it’s important to be careful when carrying candles around, as they can easily tip over and cause a fire.

If you’re going to carry a candle around with you, make sure it is in a sturdy holder that won’t tip over easily. You should also keep the candle away from any flammable objects, such as curtains and clothes. If you don’t have a portable holder, don’t risk carrying a lit candle because it will be hot and the risk of problems is just too high.

If you can avoid these dangerous candle habits, you’ll be able to enjoy their fragrance and light safely in your home. Just use a little common sense and you’ll be fine!