Applications of UV Absorber UV-234 and Light Stabilizer UV-531

UV Absorber

INNO SPECIALTY CHEMICALS is UV absorber UV-234 (cas 70321 86 7) manufacturer and Light Stabilizer UV-234 supplier in China, equivalent product is BASF Tinuvin234,contact us for more information.

UV absorber UV-234 belongs to a class of ultraviolet light absorbents called hydroxyphenyl benzotriazoles. Its high thermal resistance and low volatility make it ideal for polymers with high processing temperatures. It can be used as a light stabilizer for solvent-based and powder coatings. Here are some of its common applications. All these products work well to prevent corrosion and discoloration from ultraviolet rays.

Everstab UV absorber UV-234 is a highly effective ultraviolet absorption agent for many different materials. Its compatibility with polypropylene, SEBS, acetal, and acrylic makes it suitable for textile, fiber, and food contact applications. It is also a highly effective absorber for preventing the formation of UV radiation in many plastics. Its elasticity and high UV-absorption capabilities make it an excellent choice for many industries.

Light Stabilizer UV-531 is a low-volatility hydroxyphenyl benzotriazole. It is particularly suitable for polycarbonates, polymers, and high-surface area applications. It can be used alone or with other additives, depending on the desired performance level and application. Its use levels can vary from 0.15 to 0.60 percent depending on substrate and performance requirements. However, it is suitable for applications involving polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, and styrene homo and copolymers.

UV Absorber 234 can be used alone or in combination with other functional additives. Antioxidants and phosphites can help UV absorber 234 work in high-temperature applications. They are excellent for polymers that undergo high-temperature processing. They can protect organic polymers and pigments from UV rays and are ideal for packaging applications. It can be used for both food contact and non-food applications.

Antioxidants are used to absorb ultraviolet rays and help fight UV-induced skin cancer. These compounds have been available since May 2001. Guangzhou Chengshuai New Mate, a leading Manufacturer and Exporter of UV-absorbers, has a wide range of antioxidants. One of the most popular antioxidants is BP-12, which is equivalent to Lowilite 22 and Irganox 415. It is a good antioxidant with high antioxidant activity.

Another way UV absorbers protect plastic is by suppressing the formation of radicals. When UV rays hit plastic, they can cause photochemical reactions, which alter the plastic’s properties. UV absorbers prevent this degradation by converting the UV rays into energy and heat. They also suppress the production of harmful free radicals. So, UV-absorbers are a good choice for protection from ultraviolet radiation.