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HomeBusinessTop 7 Tips For Working From Home With Kids

Top 7 Tips For Working From Home With Kids

A lot of people are wanting to work from Home With Kids for many reasons and one of those is to spend more time with their kids. Running a business of any kind is very challenging at the best of times, however running a home based business while looking after kids can be what some people call ‘insane’. It doesn’t have to be and can be a very enjoyable and profitable lifestyle.

Having an ecommerce business is ideally suited to this lifestyle for the following reasons:

– Minimal time spent on the phone as most transactions are performed via the internet
– Majority of communication is performed via email.
– You get out of it what you put into it.
– Work when you want to work.

I have been working from home for the last 5 years and 4 of those have been looking after our two daughters from the day they were born while at the same time running our company. There have been plenty of frustrating times and also enjoyable ones.

These are my top 7 tips for working at home with kids, particularly pre-school kids. I am not a professional parenting expert, but I am a work at home parent, so I can speak with some authority on this topic.

1. Establish a Routine

You need to develop a routine that you and your kids can work to. Kids love routines and come to expect some sort of routine in their lives. I am able to have the kids sit and watch Playschool for half an hour while eating morning tea, which gives me the time to make any important phone calls I need to at this time or send off emails or faxes as necessary.

2. Invest in a good laptop Home With Kids

I quite often sit out on the patio with my phone and laptop while the kids are playing in the yard. It’s a great time to catch up on paperwork or send emails.

3. Get them to help you Home With Kids.

As an ecommerce business we are continually packing and sending parcels, so I get the kids to help me pack and move the parcels around. This gives them a sense of achievement as they are very keen to help me out. Also gives me a buzz as I watch them work as little employees.

4. Invest in a Cordless Phone with a Headset

You need both your hands free for those unexpected situations that arise and usually do when you are on the phone.

5. Take Regular Breaks

Meals are important to kids and you, so take regular breaks and spend that time eating lunch and afternoon tea with the kids.

6. Have a Safe and Secure Office Home With Kids

Little children have an uncanny knack of finding anything to make a mess with. Whether it’s drawing texta on an important document or using scissors to cut a hole in something. Over the years I think I have lost over $200 worth of stock from these little mishaps. Ensure you can lock your office and storeroom. Keep items used for ‘destruction’ out of reach and out of sight of your kids.

7. Learn Negotiating Skills Home With Kids

Spend quality time with your kids and then promise to spend more time with them once you have finished another task. If you can successfully negotiate with kids you can negotiate with anybody!

Damien Clarke has been successfully operating his company Red Rock Adventure Products


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