Nobody can stop natural disasters, particularly storms and typhoons. However, there are ways to predict one and stay safe if this dangerous phenomenon occurs in your area.
You may have heard that a superstorm is coming to your country in a week, bringing more rain and wind than you could have imagined. Although no one can avoid it, you can take precautions to mitigate the damage that this typhoon will cause.
So, if you need to evacuate to a safer location in your neighborhood, this article will help you prepare the essential things to do and what to bring.
Six Disaster-preparedness Activity
1. Listen to Weather Updates
The essential thing to do is listen to the most recent weather forecast and update any media streaming body. You must specifically know when and where the typhoon will strike. Always maintain vigilance and take careful notes about weather warnings.
You can watch television news, stream it on social media, or listen to the radio. Then, keep the critical dates in mind to begin packing your belongings.
2. Stock Up Foods and Water
You know when and where the typhoon will land, so stock up on essentials like food and water. It is crucial to stay hydrated and eat meals in this situation. Regarding disaster preparedness alert SOP, you should keep at least 3 to 4 days’ worth of supplies on hand just in case.
Furthermore, when stocking foods, it is a good idea to include easy-to-eat items such as canned goods, noodles, and rice. Keep an eye out for the expiration dates of canned goods and other foods. Remember that power may not be available, so avoid storing items requiring refrigeration. Furthermore, keeping drinking water is critical. You can either have gallons of it or those small water pump or portable ones that you can use in an emergency. Store your water in plastic containers rather than glasses because carrying those heavy loads will be inconvenient.
3. Prepare an Emergency Kit
You should also put an emergency kit for this typhoon jointly. You can buy one that includes the essentials or make your own. Put emergency lights or flashlights, extra batteries, a power bank, first-aid kits, toiletries, gadgets, and clothing in your gear.
You should also double-check the medications in your kit to ensure they are not about to expire. Put it in a proper container that will come in handy if you need to transport it.
4. Familiarized with Essential Contact Details
Before typhoons, you should memorize important contact information for emergency hotlines or your immediate family. You can get this information from their official websites or other trustworthy sources, such as their social media pages. Furthermore, you should keep a hard copy of this information in case your device’s batteries run out. Make sure to laminate the emergency information, so it does not get wet if you need to take it out.
5. Raise Your Appliances and Furniture
If you live in a low-lying location, you may need to elevate your appliances and furniture if you expect a significant flood. It is critical to position your devices higher up, preferably on a second floor—certain items such as televisions, refrigerators, cabinets, and others to avoid damage if possible. Being prepared is always preferable to regretting that you did not do anything with the investment you believe could have saved you money.
6. Turn Off Your Electricity
It would help to switch off your main electrical power to avoid damage and accidents. Everyone will expect power outages during typhoons, especially if a super typhoon is on the way. As a result, make sure to turn off your main power.
Bottom Line
You must follow these critical precautionary measures. It is also critical to remain safe inside your home, and if you need to evacuate to a safer location, please do so. Because prevention is always better than remedy, you should be wary of this uncontrollable natural phenomenon.